International Choir Festival InCanto Mediterraneo

My introduction

  • Greetings! I am Crt Sojar Voglar, a composer from a small European country, Slovenia. Although I am probably best known for my instrumental music (especially for concertos and chamber music for winds) I am recently extremely interested to write more choral music. For last six years I've been a singer in an excellent choir, called "Zbor Svetega Nikolaja" - Saint Nicholas Choir from Litija, conducted by Helena Fojkar Zupancic, who does wonders, considering the fact several singers cannot even read notes. The choir won several competitions such as the National competition "Nasa pesem" in 2005 and Grand prix at the Venezia in Musica in 2011, organised by Interkultur.

    To learn more about me, you are more than welcome to visit my website:

    and, considering the meaning of this site, learn about my recent choral opus. I have already posted three videos of my choral compositions, so please comment, review, or contact me for potential performance. Cheers!Laughing

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