International Choir Festival InCanto Mediterraneo

Kids Choir, Kids String Orchestra- Sing and Strings

  • Music making for kids is alive and well in the Hutt Valley, in New Zealand and two award winning groups of talented kids are performing a combined programme in Lower Hutt on November 11th.

    Sing and Strings is a joint concert by The Major Minors Children’s Choir with Arohanui Strings.The Major Minors Children’s Choir is in their 5th year and this concert is part of their anniversary celebrations. The community choir is un-auditioned and has about 40 kids aged 5-16 in the group. Musical Director Joanne Roelofs has also taught singing this year to the Arohanui Strings kids as part of their musical development hence the joint concert. Arohanui Strings are a Sistema based music education group lead by Musical Director Alison Eldredge, founded in 2010 their musicians are a similar age to the choir, In fact many of them love singing too. Both groups are looking forward to hearing each other and working together. .

    All are welcome to the performance on Saturday 11 November at 2.30pm at St James’ Church Lower Hutt. Entry at the door is a Koha donation.

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