International Choir Festival InCanto Mediterraneo

Is Your Choir Website Missing This One Obvious, But Critical Piece of Information?

  • One of the most common mistakes that choruses and choirs make when they create their websites is also one of the most obvious 'doh' moments possible.  It's so obvious that you might not even think of it, but it's surprising how many websites are missing this little tidbit from their front page - any guesses?  


    Believe it or not, it's their location!  


    Many chorus/choir sites have lots of great information about who they are and what they do, but you have to dig down deep in the site to find out where they are located (and sometimes there is simply no location to be found!).  If you are hoping for more fans to attend your performances/shows, more members to join your ranks, or more sponsorships from area businesses and grants, you need to make sure that they can both find you as well and that once they find you, at a glance they know where you are located.  


    Read more about why location is important to your site being found, and for finding new members, fans and funding on our blog..


    Hope this little tidbit today helps you create a more relevant website for your group!




    Kari Metzger

    Groupanizer Choir Technology

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