International Choir Festival InCanto Mediterraneo

Artistic Director for Laurea Mundi Budapest Part1

  • An internationally recognized, Kodály-certified choral director, Henry Leck is a professor emeritus and recently retired director of choral activities at Butler University in Indianapolis, Indiana.  He is Founder and Artistic Director of the Indianapolis Children’s Choir.

    Mr. Leck has worked with Mixed, Men's, Women's, Junior High and Children's All-State choirs and festival choirs in nearly every state.  For twenty-one years, he has conducted the National Youth Choral Festival in Carnegie Hall.

    He is widely known as a specialist in choral techniques.

    It is a great honour that Henry Leck together Gábor Hollerung is the artistic director of the OAKE-Recommended Laurea Mundi Budapest. The First International Honor Choirs (IHC) in Budapest also directed by Artistic Directors Henry Leck and Gábor Hollerung will perform as a part of  Budapest International Choral Celebration and Laurea Mundi Budapest 2016.

    Sing together with Henry Leck in the Treble Choir and celebrate Zoltán Kodály’s legacy in the Palace of Arts from July 9 - 13, 2016.


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