Mistango Choir Festival

Sacile, another destination for Venezia in Musica

  • Besides Caorle and Venice, if you a member of our Venetian singing team, you surely visit this little pearl of Friuli-Venezia Giulia region.

    In this little town you can find places you might not have expected there: the Duomo di Sacile, developed on the ruins of the old church of St. Nicholas, it was build between 1474 and 1496. The facade is in Renaissance, the interior has three naves separated by Gothic arches resting on columns. Other place you should stop by are Chiesa di Santa Maria della Pieta, the Palazzo Ragazzoni  or the Castello.

    If you will be there do not forget to walk around in Piazza del Popolo.



    #veneziainmusica #choralcelebration


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