International Choir Festival InCanto Mediterraneo

Per Musicam Ad Astra - Everybody will be Singing with the Stars

  • We can't remind often enough, but we have a lot to happen if you interested in choral music and to find out about new destination in Europe. The city of Copernicus would be a great place to perform your repertoire and be part of an International Festival.  Just let yourself be charmed by this beautiful city, which medieval part became a UNESCO World Heritage Site and provides best places for concerts and festivals.

    meeting  music together with Astrolabium Society of Choral Music Enthusiasts can’t wait to meet you at PER MUSICAM AD ASTRA

    7th Copernicus International Choir Festival & Competition in ToruĊ„,  June 29-July 3, 2019.

    Come to the banks of River Vistula and open your souls to sing.

    Please visit the event's website and do not hesitate to contact us for more help:

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