International Choir Festival InCanto Mediterraneo

Contributing to making a stronger community. Into the small.

  • When you already belong to a community, have you ever thought that perhaps you know eveyone you need to know and there is no need to know more people?
    Or you believe you need to meet many more people in order to have access to either fun activities, network more, have more friends or access specific information?
    What if looking to the people you already have around you discover you don't really know them?
    Not talking about people who feel isolated and not belonging to any kind of groups, but being part of a choir or any other community group can be so rewarding if you really get to know who is around you that you would be surprised of the reach that can have. We get used to belong to different networks, neighbourhood, parents association, dance lesson, choir, community groups... and many times pass through them not really getting to know people and not allowing ourselves the opportunity for discovery of what we already have around.
    When I started to get to know better the people in my choir, I realized so much potential and so much richness, that I never felt the need of trying to meet anyone else. Although of course I will, this is just to say: think of so much people you might be having right at your side, and how little you know about them. If you approach and open up to them and listen to their stories, you will realize how much more interesting everything is around you, how many fascinating people circulate through our lives every day and we are unaware of it, thinking that perhaps one day we will meet someone more special or more interesting.
    Your community will become stronger the better you get to know each other, so that you will also naturally stand by each other and create bonds and offer support in a way that rushing one activity after the other won't. 
    Special people is all around you, in whatever tribe you already belong to. 
    You are already surrounded by the most interesting people. Get to know them.
    Just open your eyes, open your ears, and enjoy and acknowledge that immense potential.
      © Maria Soriano, 2014
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