International Choir Festival InCanto Mediterraneo

International Choral Festival "InCanto Mediterraneo" || 12 to 18 July 2015 || Milazzo - Sicily

  • The Choral Association "CANTICA NOVA", which has been involved in concerts and performances with its vocal ensemble since 1989, and with the patronage of FENIARCO and ARS Cori, is promoting and organizing the IV edition of its International Choral Festival InCanto Mediterraneo”.

    In this fourth edition there is also a non-competitive EXHIBITION section to be held on Sunday 12th, Tuesday 14th and Thursday 16th July, and a COMPETITION section which will  take place on Friday 17th and Saturday 18th July 2015, and includes two different categories:

    - CHOIRS AND VOCAL ENSEMBLES (mixed/men’s/women’s)


    During the festival, from July 12th to 16th, there will be an opportunity to participate in the vocal workshop SETTIMANA CANTANTE nulla dies sine cantu, with M° Maria Luisa Sánchez Carbone, M° Stojan Kuret and M° Voicu Popescu. The choir formed by the course participants will perform on the final evening of the festival, Thursday 16th July.

    During their stay in Milazzo, the participating choirs, together with Cantica Nova, will give impromptu performances in the streets, squares and alleyways around the  town to enliven the festival evenings.


    Would you like to partecipate or only to get informations about the festival?


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