International Choir Festival InCanto Mediterraneo

What Is The Best Software For My Choir Arrangements?

  • Many choir MDs find that one size definitely doesn’t fit all when it comes to sheet music for their community choirs. You may be running a mixed ability choir, or a choir with a limited vocal range. It may be (as the case sadly is with many community choirs) that you have many ladies, but not enough men, so need to find music that will accommodate more female voices. The answer to this for so many MDs, is to make their own arrangements. This can be time consuming if you are writing out scores by hand. Using computer software can make this process easier. It also makes it simpler to make changes to your score at a later date. So what is the best software to use?

    Musescore for Choir

    Musescore for Choir has been specially designed so that it can be used for many different sorts of vocal groups from barbershop, to the solo voice. It has a quick streaming speed for song playback and the interface is very user-friendly. The setup is completely secure, and you can also use a VPN server for added protection. You can even password-protect your arrangements, so that they can't be downloaded by any other musician, unlike many free music software options. Musescore offers both open and closed SATB scores and also include lines for organ, piano or any other type of instrumental accompaniment that you are choosing to use. One of the niftiest features is the automatic spacing of notes on the stave, helping to make sure that every single crotchet is lined up as it should be. There are unlimited verses, so even if your choir is practicing 1,000 Green Bottles on the Wall, you can include all the lyrics. There is a proofreading plug-in available if you want Musescore to check your harmony (perfect for Bach, maybe not quite so much for Cage). 


    The basic Scorecloud is free to download. One of the biggest advantages is that you can use the software to transcribe a live recording, whether it is polyphonic or monophonic, into a clear musical score, ready for editing and printing. This is useful if you are having to change choral parts from an original recording to suit your community group. If you want to create a score for separate voices, you can do this using a midi input. Scorecloud will then analyze this for you. There is even an Autochords feature, that adds the piano or guitar chords onto your score, all ready for your accompanist.


    Mozart is an extremely simple music notation software program that runs on Windows. You can buy it as a download, or on a pre-loaded USB memory stick - this is handy if you are an MD that works in different locations. You can use the software to create easy-to-read scores for more than 6 parts, with a variety of different font styles, including jazz lead sheet notation. The software includes a virtual keyboard so you can input your music quickly. It will also automatically add bar lines if you are working to a set time signature. Even if you are not particularly tech-savvy, Mozart is a good option.

    Arranging your own choir music means that you can create a score that is perfect for everyone. You can then edit or change it as your choir evolves.

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