International Choir Festival InCanto Mediterraneo

Calling all Greater Toronto Area Basses!

  • Come to New York City in the summer of 2012 to participate in an international choir festival that will be as meaningful as it is memorable. "The Rhythms of One World" festival will open with a concert at UN Headquarters celebrating the anniversary of the signing of the UN charter, and will include other significant performances in iconic New York City venues. This festival is unique from others as it focuses not only on great performances, but on promoting peace through cultural exchange.


    The County Town Singers (CTS) has eagerly registered for this event but desperately needs additional BASS VOICES to be able to participate as a full balanced SATB choir. Many of the choir's basses are unable to attend due to other commitments. CTS is a community choir based out of Durham Region, a 1/2 hour east of Toronto. We are the only Canadian choir accepted into the festival and would love to have local basses join us so that we can perform our regular repertoire and not have to modify to an SAB format.


    The festival runs June 24 - July 1, 2012. Participants have the option to attend as few as four days, the full seven days or anything in between.


    If interested, contact me for additional details.


    Liz Araujo

    Assistant Director

    County Town Singers


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