International Choir Festival InCanto Mediterraneo

Teddington Choral Society Spring Concert

    B. Britten's "Saint Nicolas" and B. Chilcott's "Songs and Cries of London Town"
    April 2, 2022 at 7:30pm
    All Saints Church
    Kingston KT1 1JP
    Teddington Choral Society (TCS) and its Musical Director, Julian Collings, are delighted to announce their forthcoming Spring concert.
    The concert will feature two joyful and moving compositions.
    Benjamin Britten’s “Saint Nicolas”, which unfolds the life of the saint in a vivid and mystical style and Bob  Chilcott’s “Songs and Cries of London Town”, which depicts London’s sights, sounds and scenes from the past with thrilling and engaging music.
    As usual, TCS will be accompanied by its talented pianist Phil Culling.
    The concert will also feature the Tiffin Boys' Choir, tenor Joseph Doody, pianist Elspeth Wilkes, organist Peter Jaekel, the English Sinfonietta Ensemble.
    Tickets: £15 (under 16s free) from (search Teddington Choral Society) and on the door.
    Follow us on Social Media (Instagram, Twitter, Facebook) @teddingtonchoral


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