International Choir Festival InCanto Mediterraneo

Call for applicants for TMC 2012 Choral Conductors' Symposium

  • The Toronto Mendelssohn Choir is now accepting applicants for the 2nd annual TMC Choral Conductors’ Symposium to be held in January 2012.  The TMC created this national symposium in 2011 as part of its Emerging Conductors Program to bring together emerging choral conductors with acclaimed conductor Noel Edison and two internationally recognized choirs. During the symposium participating conductors work intensively with Noel Edison and the choirs to expand their own choral conducting skills.  In 2012 the five-day Toronto-based symposium will take place from January 24 through 28, 2012. 

    Participating conductors will not only refine their skills in workshops with Noel Edison, but will be given the rare opportunity to conduct the 150-voice Toronto Mendelssohn Choir and the chamber-sized Elora Festival Singers.  Working with these two ensembles of experienced and skilled singers will present the conductors with the opportunity to experiment with their own conducting styles and musical interpretation. 

    Five conductors will be accepted into the program.  There will also be opportunities for others to participate as observers.  The deadline for conductors to submit their application to participate is November 11, 2011.  Details, including the registration form, are available on the TMC Choral Conductors Symposium web page.

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