International Choir Festival InCanto Mediterraneo

Play It Forward Announces World Premiere of Climate Change Choral Work

  • Play It Forward is thrilled to announce the World Premiere of our next newly commissioned major choral work - ECOTORIO at the Melbourne International Singers Festival on Sun June 7, 2020!

    ECOTORIO is an exciting new song cycle written for SATB community and school choirs by Dave Newington and Jonathon Welch, written in real time about climate change events that have occurred around our planet over the past months.

    Play It Forward is honoured to have the support and generous donation to our new Composition Fund, launched in Sept 2019, from Paulien George that has made ECOTORIO possible.

    Stay tuned for details of tickets on sale of this World Premiere concert in the coming weeks!


    Melbourne International Singers Festival, Australia's most exciting singers festival for all school and community choirs and individual singers, now in its 11th consecutive year, returns with an even bigger and more diverse program over the Queen's Birthday long weekend.

    BE CHALLENGED INSPIRED AND ENTERTAINED. Earlybird registrations to participate in #MISF20 are now open and close on March 26th.  Please visit Play it Forward’s website for further information about #MISF20. Follow us on social media as announcements are made.

    Proceeds from the Melbourne International Singers Festival support Play It Forward, providing a unique range of tailored inclusive arts programs, events and projects for all Australians.

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