International Choir Festival InCanto Mediterraneo

ECOTORIO … Singing out about climate change! Be Part of a World Premiere

  • Play It Forward invites all singers from around the globe to participate in the creation of a virtual music video of the first movement – THE PROTEST from ECOTORIO - a ground breaking new climate change choral work.


    Commissioned by Play It Forward, ECOTORIO has been composed by our award-winning Artistic Director Dr Jonathon Welch AM and former International tour conductor of the ‘The TEN Tenors’ Dave Newington.

    ECOTORIO is an exciting, genre diverse and game changing musical snapshot of the current state of climate change events around the world, that includes the harrowing and the hopeful.


    Check out the details on our website for more information and how to register to be part of this unique opportunity to add your voice to the World Premiere event!

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