International Choir Festival InCanto Mediterraneo

Dear Earh - The consortium that will unite the choirs to help the Amazon.

  • At the time of writing music, my mission was always to bring people together. It seems to me that the union that is achieved thanks to singing is one of the most transcendental unions that humans can experience. With "Dear Earth" I wanted to go one step beyond simply joining the voices. I wanted to join choirs and find a purpose to do so. Talking with Anthony Silvestri about this idea, we came up with a Consortium to join choirs around the world and create a work from the union.

    Following the Amazon fire, the initiative took a drastic turn. At one point I discovered that we cannot simply talk about protecting the land and not generate concrete actions that help protect the land. That's when I contacted The Saving Amazon to propose to join us in a campaign where the work raises funds to help the Amazon. The resulting idea was to grant a tree for each choir that enrolls in the project. This NGO has committed to make videos and offer monitoring where it is shown how trees are planted so that each registered choir has a tree with its name within the Amazon. That is, each choir that participates in "Dear Earth" will be actively supporting the improvement of the planet.

    With this work I hope to unite people and raise awareness in our minds so that we become more humanized and learn to join both among us and with the surrounding environment.

    If you want to join this proposal, click here

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