International Choir Festival InCanto Mediterraneo

Come join in: Mauer Broadcast in Berlin, Nov 4, 5 and 10!

    Mauer Broadcast premieres November 4-10 in Berlin
    Dear Friends,
    I want to let you know about my new piece premiering this week in Berlin, and - if you are here in Berlin - invite you to sing in it!
    Mauer Broadcast is a series of pop-up choral performances for the 30th anniversary of the fall of the Berlin Wall, hosted by Kulturprojekte Berlin. The 16-minute musical piece for an unlimited number of voices will be performed four times during Berlin Festival Week between November 4-10, in the open air at Brandenburg Gate, Alexanderplatz, and Marx-Engels Forum. The musical work has been created specifically for each of these official celebration sites, and listeners will be able to walk among the performers. Anyone may join the performances - the music is designed to be singable by the public, and involves many “call and response” sections.
    For those who would like to participate in Mauer Broadcast, there will be one rehearsal or “sing-in” on November 4 from 10:30am-1pm at the Programm Pavillon at the Brandenburg Gate. Attendance at the rehearsal is not required to participate, and participants can arrive at the rehearsal anytime. In addition, there is a learning tool available online in both English and German for those who wish to practice in advance, at
    • Sing-in: Monday, 04.11., 10.30 - 13.00, Programm Pavillon Brandenburger Tor - RSVP
    • Performance: Monday, 04.11., 14.30 - 15.30, Brandenburger Tor - MORE INFO
    • Performance: Tuesday, 05.11., 14.00 - 15.00, Brandenburger Tor - MORE INFO
    • Performances: Sunday, 10.11., 12.30 – 15.00, Alexanderplatz und Humboldtforum/ Marx-Engels-Forum - MORE INFO
    The texts for Mauer Broadcast are selected from Sheryl Oring’s Maueramt project from autumn 2014, produced in conjunction with the 25th anniversary celebrations of the fall of the Berlin Wall. At this series of public performances, Oring set up typewriter locations along the former Wall and asked questions such as: “What do you think about when you think about the Berlin Wall,” or “What would you like the world to remember about the Berlin Wall?” Answers were typed on a manual typewriter onto small sheets of paper and collected for an exhibition at the Museum THE KENNEDYS in Berlin.
    Sheryl Oring collecting memories of the Berlin Wall for her Maueramt project. Photo by Dhanraj Emanuel
    Rehearsing with the American Church Berlin Gospelchoir!
    In addition to participants from the public, each Mauer Broadcast will also feature the American Church Berlin Gospelchoir; Ken Norris and me, sing leaders; Vanessa Chartrand-Rodrigue, conductor; Kati Brien and Bastian Duncker, alto saxophones; Elena Kakaliagou, horn; Damir Bacikin, trumpet; and Vladimir Veres, trombone. The horn will play the entire piece from the center of the site, while the other instruments and singers will begin at opposite peripheries and work their way towards the center for the celebratory finale, enacting a symbolic “reunification.”
    I am honored to have the opportunity to commemorate this event by composing a work that sings out a whole city’s memories of the Wall and its ultimate end, right on the sites where its presence was most felt. Over sixteen minutes, the piece evolves through five sections: ‘Erinnerung’ (Memory); ‘Ich denke an…’ (I Think About…); ‘Est ist lange her’ (It was a long time ago); ‘Wieso?’ (How so?); and finally, ‘Herzenswunch” (Heart’s Wish). The music is composed so that anyone who wishes to raise their voice can participate, guided by four instruments and singing leaders.
    I look forward to sharing photos and videos from the performances. I would of course love to see you there, if you're in or around Berlin!
    All the best,
    Christina Jensen
    Jensen Artists | 646*536*7864
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