International Choir Festival InCanto Mediterraneo

The Brazilian Virtual Choir Lab - May 10th (Monday)

  • The Brazilian Virtual Choir Lab is a 3-month (12 classes) course that will meet once a week for 90 minutes.

    Class Schedule Listing:

    May 10th - July 26th 

    Meeting Time (2 options): 

    EUROPE: Mondays from: 19:30 - 21 h (GMT + 2)

    USA: Mondays from: 7:30 - 9 PM  (EST)

    Please check your country and convert to your local time

    12 Classes (3-month program) - 90 minutes each

    Registration and Fees:  

    Program Period Price: US$ 150.00 

    • (Approx US$ 12.50 per class)

    Please fill out the registration form

    If you have any questions  write to or

    WhatsApp: +5521993011398

    Class Description:

    Whether you are new to Brazilian music, or you already have a passion for it, you are invited to join us for a unique and exciting experience: The Brazilian Virtual Choir Lab! 

    Each program will focus on enabling students to sing a Brazilian standard choir arrangement in Portuguese! Repertoire includes Brazilian classics such as The Girl From Ipanema, Corcovado, Samba do Avião, Summer Samba, Aquarela do Brasil (Brazil), among many others. 

    Final Project Example:

    The Program: 

    • Vocal Training exercises  
    • Choir Technique 
    • Brazilian Rhythms 
    • Portuguese song lyrics practice   
    • Music Charts Choir Arrangements Practice
    • Final Project: Video and audio Recording of a Brazilian Standard 
    • Classes in English 
    • Classes from Rio de Janeiro - Brazil (ZOOM)


    Vicente Costa Nucci, born in Rio de Janeiro, is a singer, arranger, and composer. He graduated from UNIRIO in Arrangement and Brazilian Popular Music (MPB). Son of musicians, he started in the world of choirs at Colégio São Vicente de Paulo and today he works with choirs, vocal groups, musical productions, and recordings.

    Mila Schiavo, born in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil! She is a drummer, percussionist, choir singer and manages Mi La music, a school at Cidade das Artes. She has toured the world performing with many acclaimed acts. She graduated from Berklee College of Music in Boston (USA) and has an MBA from PUC.

    Following are the four great reasons you should register: 

    Convenient: Live Virtual Classes direct from Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, to you. 

    Affordable: Exchange rate between US dólar and Brazilian Real is a greatest ally.

    Quality: Teachers focus on collaborating and value real-world learning. 

    Reliable: Authentic Brazilian music information. 

    Additional Information: 

    • Limited online sitting to 30 people
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