International Choir Festival InCanto Mediterraneo

Lecture on Stanford with Professor Jeremy Dibble

  • As part of the Royal School of Church Music's events to mark the centenary of the death of Charles Villiers Stanford, the noted Stanford expert, Jeremy Dibble (University of Durham), will give an illustrated lecture on Stanford's music at Queens' College, Cambridge, on Saturday 13 July

    Charles Villiers Stanford is justifiably renowned for his brilliantly original church music, but he is perhaps less well known for the extraordinary range of other work he composed across his highly creative life. This lecture will explore some of that repertoire which will include extracts from his operas, symphonies, choral works, songs and partsongs, and it is hoped, that hearing some of this unfamiliar music will provide a useful prism through which we can derive a fresh appreciation of his unrivalled composition for the Anglican liturgy.

    Tickets £15

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    This event is part of the RSCM's Stanford Singing Break which takes place between 12 to 14 July at Queens' College Cambridge. More info here

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