International Choir Festival InCanto Mediterraneo

New Free online resource for Buddhist Choral Music

  • I'm pleased to share with you a new free sheet music website for Buddhist Choral Music - Singers and Choral Directors are warmly encouraged to browse through over twenty pieces freely available to download as sheet music, and perform or record.

    In recent years, Buddhism has spread to the West, becoming the fastest growing religion in some countries, its teachings and practices striking a chord with individuals seeking spiritual growth and inner peace. Buddhist Choral Music also features recorded performances of some of the pieces composed by Bodhivajra, Vipulakirti, Manidhara and SarvadarÅ›in.

    All of the music on the site is shared freely, although donations are welcome towards the cost of running the site and to fund future compositions and recordings.  Many thanks, I hope you enjoy the music. 

    Any queries, feel free to contact me - sarvadarsin at gmail dot com

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