About Us: All inclusive, all ability, all adult!
We bring people together, regardless of colour, class, creed, disability, gender, sexual orientation, nationality, ethnic identity, marital status, political opinion. 18years of age to infinity to sing togeth... moreAll inclusive, all ability, all adult!
We bring people together, regardless of colour, class, creed, disability, gender, sexual orientation, nationality, ethnic identity, marital status, political opinion. 18years of age to infinity to sing together as a group. Learning something new. Using talents and abilities, to perform have fun, entertain others. Providing a service for the community. all inclusive, all ability non audition. Community choir.
Location: Eire studio, clotworthy arts center , Antrim, antrim, United Kingdom  [map]
1,850 views - added June 7, 2014 - admin of this choir page is jolene flynn
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