About Us: Under the auspices of the African Confederation for Choral Music, the African Youth Choir (AYC) was established on 8 April 2012 in Libreville, at the initiative of choir directors and officers of African choirs associations. (Www.africanyouthchoir.org)moreUnder the auspices of the African Confederation for Choral Music, the African Youth Choir (AYC) was established on 8 April 2012 in Libreville, at the initiative of choir directors and officers of African choirs associations. (Www.africanyouthchoir.org)
This biennial project is organizing a technical course with cultural exchange during a Summer camp for two weeks in an African country. Then the choir is prepared to perform in major events in Africa, or to represent Africa in major festivals included in the global agenda of choral singing. The desire is to gather young singers from around Africa for integration through song, to enrich their cultural diversity, to to become messengers of peace on the continent and throughout the world, but also a model of multiculturalism.
40 singers from 10 african countries are selected after testing (16 to 26 years old) and work with an experienced conductor.
Cultural association, non-profit, the African Youth Choir is an answer the needs of a cultural and artistic education of young Africans, based on the values of Pan-Africanism, cultural diversity, friendship and solidarity, peace factor between people. less
1,504 views - added April 9, 2015 - admin of this choir page is LUCIEN MENDY
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