Mistango Choir Festival
The Pansol Choir of Sta. Maria della Strada Parish

The Pansol Choir of Sta. Maria della Strada Parish

  • About Us: The Pansol Choir is a community-based choir that regularly serves at the Parish of Sta. Maria della Strada and at the Pansol Chapel through sound interpretations of liturgical music. The Choir is under the direction of Mark Anthony Carpio of The Philippin...  more
  • Location: Sta. Maria Della Strada Parish Katipunan ave., cor. Pansol ave., QC, Philippines  [map]
  • Since: 1970
  • Voices: Mixed
  • Choir type: Church choir, Community choir, Vocal Group
  • Genres: Jazz, Pop/Rock, A cappella, Classical, Folk/Ethnic, Sacred
  • Website www.facebook.com/pansolchoir2015members
  • Open to new singers: Yes - auditions required
2,360 views - added September 16, 2015 - admin of this choir page is Hudson Baduria