About Us: The Edinburgh University Renaissance Singers (EURS) has a new director.
Rory Wilson, an experienced choral conductor from Edinburgh, has been appointed and has begun work with the Choir towards our first concert under his direction in Nove... moreThe Edinburgh University Renaissance Singers (EURS) has a new director.
Rory Wilson, an experienced choral conductor from Edinburgh, has been appointed and has begun work with the Choir towards our first concert under his direction in November 2018, based around the Fire Songs of Morten Lauridsen, pairing his settings with settings of the same or similar texts by Renaissance composers.
Additional names: EURS
Location: Allison House, Nicolson Square, Edinburgh, Edinburgh, Scotland, United Kingdom  [map]
2,070 views - added December 1, 2015 - admin of this choir page is Alexander Horsburgh
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