About Us: Notes Of Joy Gospel Choir was formed in May 2011. It's a group of people who are concern about the growth of the music in the genre "Gospel" under the category "Clap and Tap".
Creating organisation/envirom... moreNotes Of Joy Gospel Choir was formed in May 2011. It's a group of people who are concern about the growth of the music in the genre "Gospel" under the category "Clap and Tap".
Creating organisation/enviroment where Non-Religious and nominally religious people become Deeply Devoted followers of our music, thorugh our gospel music by engaging people to worshinp God..
A full loft of people (youth, children, or adults) singing their hearts out, beautifully and powerfully in praising God.
- A choir that sings strongly and with Joy.
- Music that inspires, moves and grips people. Making them feel they've touched something transcented..
CO-FOUNDER: Mavis Sibanyoni
for bookings and shows(stage) Contact:
Mr Tswai: 0727440694
Mr Shabangu: 0715353811
Ms Thagu: 0781344321
3,017 views - added December 30, 2015 - admin of this choir page is Mashudu Thagu
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