About Us: The Hong Kong Virtuoso Chorus (HKVC) is a registered non-profit-making charitable organization established in January 2011. The establishment of the chorus is to build a platform for the youth to promote choral music and realize their dreams, as well as t... moreThe Hong Kong Virtuoso Chorus (HKVC) is a registered non-profit-making charitable organization established in January 2011. The establishment of the chorus is to build a platform for the youth to promote choral music and realize their dreams, as well as to organize different cultural exchange activities to promote music and serve the society.
In the summer of 2011, HKVC held their debut concert “Sing Out a Dream” in the Hong Kong Cultural Centre Concert Hall to raise funds to support the charitable work of the Lions Club of Central. In 2012, the chorus organized and performed five shows of a grand scale original youth choral musical “Like. So?”. The musical received positive comments and the chorus was even invited by renowned pianist Ms. Nancy Loo to an interview and performance in her RTHK 4 Radio Program “Cantilena”. In 2013, the chorus started planning to register themselves as a non-profit charitable organization and held a fundraising concert called “One Heart, One Voice”.
As one of the most active youth choirs in Hong Kong, the chorus gave more than 50 performances over the last five years. Apart from being invited by commercial and musical organizations, the chorus was invited by the Leisure and Cultural Services Department to perform at 2011 and 2013 “New Year's Eve Countdown Carnival” and invited by the Social Welfare Department to perform at “2013 Hong Kong Volunteer Award Presentation Ceremony”. Other musical performances include Hong Kong Youth Arts Foundation “Standard Chartered Arts in the Park Mardi Gras”, Hong Kong Treble Choir Association "Musica Connection: Friendly Concert I - Lovely Music in China", Hong Kong Festival Wind Orchestra “Christmas Concert 2011”, The Show Choir HK “The Red Choir Show 2012”, Hong Kong Festival Orchestra “The Ninth & Beyond”, Hong Kong Performers Winds “X'mas Cantabile”, Lions Clubs International District 303, Hong Kong & Macao, China “District Joint Installation Ceremony of Office Bearers” and Lions Club of Central “20th Anniversary Charity Ball”. In order to promote music among youth in Hong Kong, HKVC has been invited to perform in various local universities, such as the Chinese University of Hong Kong, the University of Hong Kong, the Hong Kong Polytechnic University, Hong Kong Baptist University, City University of Hong Kong and the Hong Kong Institute of Education.
Since establishment, HKVC has won various awards in a number of choral festivals. For instance, the Gold Diploma in the category of Youth Choir, SATB voices (age 29 and under) in 2011 and 2013 Hong Kong International Youth & Children's Choir Festival, where the performance of the chorus received high acclaim from internationally renowned adjudicators. Also, the chorus won the Gold Award in the Winter Choral Festival 2013. In addition, the chorus attended and participated in various master classes and workshops, which include the master class conducted by Prof. Gudrun Schröfel, the vice principal of Hochschule für Musik und Theater in Hannover, and workshops by Prof. Leon Tong, Mr. Paul Phoenix and Dr. Steve Zegree. Also, the chorus received training from some outstanding musicians in Hong Kong, including Ms. Chan Siu Kwan, Ms. Florence Cheng, Mr. Albert Lim, Ms. Annie Mak, Mr. Felix Suen and Mr. Apollo Wong.
HKVC believes that music should not be a privilege exclusive to the fortunate few. Because of this principle, HKVC organized a grand-scale music education program with Lions Club of Central in 2012, providing free singing courses to more than 130 students in Shamshuipo Kaifong Welfare Association Primary School, S.K.H. Chu Oi Primary School (Lei Muk Shue) and Lions Clubs International Ho Tak Sum Primary School. The chorus started the “Children's Musical Talent Development Scheme II” at the end of 2013, hoping to bring music to even more children. Other than this, the chorus launched a school tour performance scheme "Yesterday Once More" in 2014, giving an original choral musical performance to introduce the development of the local contemporary music from Hong Kong.
3,370 views - added April 1, 2017 - admin of this choir page is Kelvin Lau
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