About Us: The "Corale S. Domenico Savio" was born in 1999 with the desire to build through music, experience of collaboration and sharing.
Over the years the interest in polyphony, the study of the repertoire and the vocal approach has grow... moreThe "Corale S. Domenico Savio" was born in 1999 with the desire to build through music, experience of collaboration and sharing.
Over the years the interest in polyphony, the study of the repertoire and the vocal approach has grown. The group has joined the A.R.S. cori (Regional Association of Choirs of Sicily) and consequently to FENIARCO (National Association of choirs) with the involvement in all the regional and national demonstrations promoted by the aforementioned organism: exhibitions, concerts and gatherings for choirs.
Numerous shows are made, we mention some more suggestive:
the performance of some unpublished musical works by don Luigi Sturzo edited by Nicolò Maccavino of the Italian Society of Musicology (2003).
"The word sung" the multimedia show for chorus-voices, video projections and orchestra (2009);
the CD recording of the traditional POPO MEO of the Easter Triduum in Scordia (2009);
the event "et incarnatus est", symphonic lyric concert for soloists, chorus and orchestra, with the extraordinary participation of m ° Sandro Chiri, bass of the "Teatro alla Scala" in Milan and the soprano Rossana Caniglia (2015);
He has a part in -Petite Messe Solennelle of G. Rossini in collaboration with Ad Dei Laudem di Lentini and Coro Smith College Choir Massachusetts -USA. (Marzo2016)
The choir has also performed at the Greek theater in Syracuse in the presence of the President of the European Commission for Immigration in collaboration with Ass. Ad Dei Laudem di Lentini. (Settembre2016).
He has made the Concert of the Epiphany for choir, symphony orchestra and soloists in collaboration with ass. Music Antiqua of Syracuse at the church of Santa Lucia alla Badia where the famous painting by Caravaggio (2018) is kept.
Many collaborations with local and non-local artists, in particular: Associazione Musica Antiqua of Siracusa, Ass. Ad Dei Laudem, association Strum and Drumg of Paternò; Association Anthea Odes of Augusta; Pietro Branchina Adrano Association; Maris Stella Militello association; Sacred Music Office Caltagirone; Catania sacred music office; association Anffas palazzolo Acreide -In 2010 it is constituted Musical Cultural Association with its own statute.
-In 2011 the association was declared of national artistic interest in the national celebrations of the 150th anniversary of the unification of Italy, thus adhering to the project of the Ministry of Cultural Heritage (Popular and amateur music from 1861 to today);
Annual events organized by the Association:
"Laetantes in Choro" Polyphonic Review, now in VI ed. which sees the participation of artists of great artistic, national and international importance as the Russian mezzo-soprano Polina Bakanova (2014), and also the pride of the association is the realization of the international concert season "MUSIC AL CHIOSTRO" now in its fourth edition it takes place every year in August.
- He animated the solemn pontifical for the bicentennial diocese Caltagirone in the presence of his Exc. Mgr. Calogero Peri at the Cathedral Caltagirone went live RAIUNO (February 2016);
- participated in the solemn pontifical in collaboration with the cathedral chapel of Monreale at the Basilica of Biancavilla directed on RETE4 (August 2016) special guest Giuseppe Liberto emeritus director of the choir of the Sistine Chapel.
-He took part in the I international classical music festival in collaboration with Lentini's Ad Dei Laude.
-Important goal was the awarding of the first prize (95/100) at the "F. D'Agata" International Competition of Acireale section X polyphonic choirs.
Last collaborations have been with Alessandro Mannarino for the album Apriti cielo (2016), Tony Brundo (2015), singers of the Teatro alla Scala in Milan, m ° Giuseppe Liberto director emeritus of the Sistine Chapel in Rome, Smith College Choir Massachusetts USA (2016 ), Ad Dei Laudem di Lentini, Music antiqua Siracusa.
- President of the association is Mr. Andrea Viola, secretary is Mrs Federica Recupero.
The choir has been directed by Salvo Gangi since its foundation. less
Additional names: S.Domenico Savio Choir
Location: VIA GARIBALDI 220, SCORDIA, CT, Italy  [map]
1,619 views - added July 31, 2018 - admin of this choir page is SALVO GANGI
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