About Us: Chorale Africa is a choir of excellence. Our mission is ‘to enrich lives and influence culture by performing music from different cultures and periods at the highest level of artistic excellence.’ We are poised to be the leading choir in Africa within the... moreChorale Africa is a choir of excellence. Our mission is ‘to enrich lives and influence culture by performing music from different cultures and periods at the highest level of artistic excellence.’ We are poised to be the leading choir in Africa within the next 5 years.
The choir displays artistic excellence through detailed attention to the major aspects of performance including the ensemble, singing, choreography, among others.
Impacting society with our music and performances is very dear to us and we will embark of life-changing social impact programs and activities in 2018 and beyond. Our choir will be built on a commitment to professionalism, excellence and social impact.
Chorale Africa will thrive on the strength of partnership and support from people like you and we look forward to your support as we pursue our vision ‘to be the leading choir in Africa….’
1,073 views - added March 2, 2019 - admin of this choir page is Henry Brotherman
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