Mistango Choir Festival

il coro che non c'è

  • About Us: The "coro che non c'è" (Neverchoir) is a choir that may not actually seem real.
    It was born thanks to its director, Ludovico (Dodo) Versino, who instilled the love for choral music in high school students all across Rome, which led them a...  more
  • Additional names: directed by Ludovico "Dodo" Versino
  • Location: Rome, Italy  [map]
  • Since: 2019
  • Voices: Mixed
  • Choir type: School choir, University choir, Youth choir
  • Genres: A cappella
  • Website ilcorochenonce.com
  • Open to new singers: Yes - auditions required
1,202 views - added April 4, 2021 - admin of this choir page is Chiara Altamura