About Us: The Renaissance Choir is an amateur choir of very high standard and reputation. The choir’s repertoire imaginatively balances unaccompanied choral music from the Renaissance period with 19th - 21st century works. Although relatively small in number, the ... moreThe Renaissance Choir is an amateur choir of very high standard and reputation. The choir’s repertoire imaginatively balances unaccompanied choral music from the Renaissance period with 19th - 21st century works. Although relatively small in number, the choir is accomplished in singing music in both double and triple choir form. Particular specialisms include the works of William Byrd, Thomas Tallis and Tómas Luis da Victoria.
The choir has performed in many prestigious venues in Europe, including Notre-Dame in Paris, Chartres cathedral and Versailles. Events such as the Prague Spring International Festival (Czech Republic) have also featured the choir. In 2006, in Budapest, the choir performed Tallis’s towering 40-part motet Spem in Alium, with the internationally renowned Budapest Monteverdi Choir. In 2008 the choir enjoyed a trip to the Lisbon region and sang in some truly fantastic venues, including Mosteiro dos Jerónimos. less
1,124 views - added October 13, 2011 - admin of this choir page is Deb Egleton
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