About Us: The _Linzer Singakademie_ - formerly _Sängerbund Frohsinn_ is the second oldest Choir of Austria - since 1845. Anton Bruckner was one of our conductors. Also Richard Wagner was a honor member of the choir. We are very proud of this facts. But current we a... moreThe _Linzer Singakademie_ - formerly _Sängerbund Frohsinn_ is the second oldest Choir of Austria - since 1845. Anton Bruckner was one of our conductors. Also Richard Wagner was a honor member of the choir. We are very proud of this facts. But current we are a chor, wich singing manly oratories. The last project was "Die Schöpfung" von Joseph Haydn.
This days we rehearse Parts of famous masses from Beethoven, Bruckner und Mozart. These Compositions would be a part of a special concert - a workshop-concert. In german it is called a _Gesprächskonzert_. The wellknown austrian composer _Balduin Sulzer_ will cuduct this concert. It happens at 8 of December 2012 17:00 in the Minoriten-Church in Linz. less
2,534 views - added October 16, 2012 - admin of this choir page is Friedrich Geissler
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