About Us: The Major Minors Children's Choir was formed in February 2012 by Musical Director Joanne Roelofs and Karen Boyce as a one off children's choir of unauditioned primary school aged children which was part of a choral programme with the Hutt Valley Singers. ... moreThe Major Minors Children's Choir was formed in February 2012 by Musical Director Joanne Roelofs and Karen Boyce as a one off children's choir of unauditioned primary school aged children which was part of a choral programme with the Hutt Valley Singers. The choir was such a success and those involved enjoyed it so much that it was decided to continue.
The Choir is a training Choir with the children having opportunities to sing or speak solo lines and learn harmonies. Current members are aged between 4 and 12.
The Harmonic Minors is the Major Minors Children's Choir's extension group. This is an auditioned choir for older children and teens. less
Location: The Spot- Corner of Fergusson Drive and Milton Street, Upper Hutt, New Zealand  [map]
2,507 views - added January 3, 2013 - admin of this choir page is Karen Boyce
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