About Us: Koruso!, meaning chorus in Esperanto, began in October 2008 as a Southwark Council initiative to promote community cohesion. It has since grown from a small choral group to a self-run community choir with a wide ranging repertoire, performing music that b... moreKoruso!, meaning chorus in Esperanto, began in October 2008 as a Southwark Council initiative to promote community cohesion. It has since grown from a small choral group to a self-run community choir with a wide ranging repertoire, performing music that bridges cultures and unites faith traditions.
The project won an ABC award in December 2009 at the Royal Society for the Arts and was cited by the judging panel as ”an excellent, innovative way of bringing people together through a shared passion for music”. Koruso! host performances at least twice a year and to date has performed at a variety of venues across its home borough and beyond.
Members come from all walks of life and all across Southwark. We enjoy singing together every Thursday from 6:30pm at Oliver Goldsmiths Primary School, Peckham Road. New members are always welcome - particularly tenors and basses.
1,397 views - added April 17, 2013 - admin of this choir page is Lucy Riordan
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