About Us: Exaltation! Gospel Choir is based in Essex, but occasionally strays beyond! Celebrating our tenth anniversary in 2013, the choir was formed in 2003 after director Jen and accompanist Jane were missing taking part in music, having left university. Starting... moreExaltation! Gospel Choir is based in Essex, but occasionally strays beyond! Celebrating our tenth anniversary in 2013, the choir was formed in 2003 after director Jen and accompanist Jane were missing taking part in music, having left university. Starting well, with about 15 members the choir has fluctuated in size, settling early on into a choir of 8. In 2010 however, the choir doubled in size and we are pleased that this core of almost 20 people has stuck!
Choir members range from 7 years old to 77! We are a sociable bunch with an emphasis on singing for fun. We don’t put people through an audition and being able to read music isn’t necessary. A good third of the choir don't read music. Being able to sing in tune is an advantage though!
We have performed at weddings and parties across Essex and Suffolk, for the Women's Institute, local churches, at fetes, town open nights and charity concerts at the Mercury, Headgate and Towngate theatres. We don't pay our singers for performing - we do it for the love! Any fees we are paid go into travel expenses and new music.
2,005 views - added July 4, 2013 - admin of this choir page is Jen Skingsley
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