About Us: The details:
We are the Dover House Singers, a local choir based in Putney.
We rehearse on Wednesday evenings from 8-9.15pm at St Margaret's Church Hall on Putney Park Lane. Term starts next Wednesday 4th September.
Rehearsals fee is... moreThe details:
We are the Dover House Singers, a local choir based in Putney.
We rehearse on Wednesday evenings from 8-9.15pm at St Margaret's Church Hall on Putney Park Lane. Term starts next Wednesday 4th September.
Rehearsals fee is £5 per session but there is no charge for your first attendance.
About us:
We are a local friendly choir that has been going for several years now. We currently have about 30 members and we sing a wide range of music from all around the world.
We sing both acapella and with piano accompaniment but there is no requirement to be able to read music.
We put on concerts twice a year and recently enjoyed singing at the Barnes Fair.
We also meet outside rehearsal times for social events!
We would love to recruit new members and welcome anyone that wants to come along and see what it's all about. We don't audition new members - just turn up and join in!
Like most choirs we have an unequal balance of the sexes - men of Putney, we need you!
For more info visit our website www.doverhousesingers.co.uk or emaildoverhousesingers@googlemail.com less
Location: St Mary's Church, Putney Park Lane, SW15 5HU, London, United Kingdom  [map]
1,460 views - added August 30, 2013 - admin of this choir page is Malcranmer
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