About Us: The Choir is a group of talented students who enjoy making music together. it allows you to make lifelong friendships and contacts, and build crucial teamwork skills. The choir is made up of undergraduate and graduate students auditioned from all facult... moreThe Choir is a group of talented students who enjoy making music together. it allows you to make lifelong friendships and contacts, and build crucial teamwork skills. The choir is made up of undergraduate and graduate students auditioned from all faculties and grades and performs several concerts every year, and at important university ceremonies. Participation always begins in the Fall semester, and continues all the way to graduation commencement in June. The choir performed in joint concerts with choirs from Duke University, Yale University, Harvard University, Perugia University and Missouri Drury University. less
Additional names: IKU Choir
Location: İstanbul Kültür Üniversitesi Ataköy Kampüsü, Istanbul, Turkey  [map]
5,984 views - added September 19, 2013 - admin of this choir page is Ömer Yusuf Topçu
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