About Us: Composer and countertenor David Warin Solomons has sung many of his own choral works and the choral works of other composers by multitracking the parts on computer. He decided to call this one-man choir the dwsChorale. The range is bottom bass D to top a... moreComposer and countertenor David Warin Solomons has sung many of his own choral works and the choral works of other composers by multitracking the parts on computer. He decided to call this one-man choir the dwsChorale. The range is bottom bass D to top alto e.
Most recordings were done between 2005 and 2009. Only time will tell whether the dwsChorale will be revived, but David keeps composing anyway, so who knows....
Additional names: David W Solomons as a one-man-choir
2,954 views - added December 8, 2013 - admin of this choir page is David Solomons
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