We are a non-audition choir, open to all. We rehearse at the Bernie Grant Arts Centre on Tuesday evenings from 7.30pm to 9.30pm. We aim to unite and represent our community through our joy of singing. The choir has over sixty Singers rehearsing each w... more
2009. Georgy Sviridov. Poem in memory of Sergey Esenin. Conductor: Denis Kirpanyov Soloist: Pavel Polyaninov (tenor) Choirs: Nizhny Novgorod State University Choir, Chamber Choir "Nizhny Novgorod" Orchestra: Nizhny Novgorod State Philharmonic Orchestra
School of Hard Knocks proudly presents Brisbane International Singers Festival 2016 June 3-5, 2016 An unforgettable experience, not just a festival Friday 3rd June 2016, 8pm Beyond Hard Knocks Documentary Screening Following...
Chamber is a mixed singing ensemble that specializes in performance of challenging literature of diverse genre. The MVHS Chamber Singers were invited to perform at the Western Division American Choral Directors Association in Tucson, Arizona. Then in Mar... more
Music When Soft Voices Die - Edward Bairstow Performed by the Abbeydale Singers on their 25th anniversary concert, at St. John's Church, Ranmoor, Sheffield, 16th July 2011. See http://www.abbeydaleSingers.org.uk for more details.
This well-known setting by Tomas Luis de Victoria (1548-1611) of Popule meus, the lengthy series of chants known as Improperia, or Reproaches, which occur at the liturgical climax of Good Friday, during the special service of the Adoration of the Cross, w... more
For Singers 55+!! NO AUDITIONS!! Afternoon rehearsals!! Encore Creativity for Older Adults, the nation’s largest and fastest growing choral organization for Singers 55+, is coming to NYC! Our NYC&nbs...
Melbourne International Singers Festival June 7-10, 2013 Stunning Showcase Concerts Headline Exciting New Festival! The School of Hard Knocks Institute is proud to present the first Melbourne International Singers Festival featuring a s...
William Byrd (1543-1623) Emendemus in melius Emendemus in melius quae ignoranter peccavimus; ne subito praeoccupati die mortis, quaeramus spatium poenitentiae, et invenire non possimus. Attende, Domine, et miserere; quia peccavimus tibi. Baruch, Cha... more
This lovely anthem by the German composer, conductor and pianist Otto Goldschmidt (1829 - 1907) was made famous by its regular inclusion at the Advent Carol Services at St John's College, Cambridge under the direction of the late Dr George Guest. This ... more