Hello, Santiago Veros here! Embark on an exciting new chapter filled with captivating opportunities to connect together! I've Been eagerly awaiting this moment to share some incredible news.Just today, I had a conversation with Kevin Taylor from...
There is no need to Be able to read music and your singing ability doesn’t matter; this choir is about joining together for a sing along for an hour each Tuesday and having fun. Caroline Mander is a hugely experienced choir leader and her background in mu... more
during Holy Family Parish's (Kamias, QC) NOTES TO MARY, A music festival in honor of the month of the rosary.. OctoBer 27, 2012
Вокальный ансамбль "Полихронион" г.Одесса Регент Виктория Вербенко VIII Всеукраинский Фестиваль-конкурс приходских коллективов Пентикостия-2018, 1 премия (категория ансамбли). г.Киев, Спасо-Преображенский собор (Теремки)
Marsilio Ficino (1433-1498), Florentine philosopher wrote a wonderful sentence: “Music is nothing more than a Decoration of Silence”. What a wonderful statement. Shall we take it to the choir? Undoubtedly silence is in many way...
Come and sing with us this summer at the Ingenium Academy! Would you like to spend your summer making great Music, with new friends from all over the world? Want to sing and spend three weeks in a Beautiful 14th-century school in historic Winches...
Half of California’s school music programs have Been canceled in the last eight years. This is removing an important tool for childhood development. Below, we will look at how singing helps brain development and how to pick up the slack where t...
From 24th - 26th April 2020 Belgrade will welcome once again choirs from across the world for an international competition for a celebration of choral music in all its many forms. Closing date for applications is 24 January 2020. Find out more at http://w... more
MatchMySound has partnered with ACDA and GIA Publications to create My Choral Coach, an integrated music creation platform that provides instant feedback and guided practice for choral directors and their singers. My Choral Coach is exclusively for Univer... more
Homechoir goes on the road! Explore The Wirral in England with the England family and sing music that hails from the area with Ben and local memBers of our global choir!