Bangor Ladies Choir membership now stands at 57 ladies. Being part of the choir requires two very important elements - dedication and commitment - and it is evident that, over the years, these have remained at the core of the choir, demonstrating the loya... more
In order to drive up our membership numbers and create more awareness of our craft, London City Singers is having an open evening where Women of all ages an opportunity to discover a cappella four part harmony singing. It will be on 13 September 2011, Tue...
"Ave Maria" by Joshua B. Himes. Premiered by the Ayala vocal Ensemble under the direction of Mr. Aaron Rodriguez on April 13, 2009 in Lima, Peru.
We are a group of mostly retired people who enjoy singing together and entertaining others.
Happy, enthusiastic singers who bring their music in service to the elderly and shut-ins in our community.
Swara vocal Ensemble. Ivan Yohan, conductor From the concert "Celestial Spheres" 2021 Recorded at Église Notre Dame du Sacré-Coeur (Brussels) ©️2021 Ivan Yohan & Dan Mărăşescu Marion Bauwens, soprano Mirthe Dokter, soprano Lydia M. Stoddart, sopran... more
Es wird scho glei dumpa (Weise & Text: A. Reidinger/Satz: U. Ebner) Frauenensemble „vocal orange“, Salzburg Dirigent: Arūnas Pečiulis Tontechnik und Aufnahme: Tonstudio Martin, Bad Reichenhall Die CD „Weihnacht in Orange“ ist ab sofort erhältlic... more
The all-female a cappella group from Thomas Jefferson High School for Science and Technology!
[this is a version of a post which first appeared on my blog From the Front of the Choir] The average age of people who attend the choirs and workshops that I run must be around 50. I would say that about a third of any group is of retirement ag...