International Choir Festival InCanto Mediterraneo


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Taneyev Serenade
video: Taneyev Serenade

Taneyev - Serenade С. Танеев, А.Фет "Серенада" Kamerkoor Endora uit Heemskerk. Dirigent Chris Jobse. Concert regiStratie 17 december 2011. Chamber Choir Endora, Heemskerk. Conductor Chris Jobse.

At The Twilight Hour 蒼茫時刻 (首演)  composed by 林京美(Ching-Mei Lin)
video: At The Twilight Hour 蒼茫時刻 (首演) composed by 林京美(Ching-Mei Lin)

【wow! 合唱】音樂會 時間/ 2014年9月20日 地點/ 大東文化藝術中心 指揮/ 朱如鳳 鋼琴/ 楊郁雯 《At The Twilight Hour》 《蒼茫時刻》 詞:余光中 (Kwang-Chung Yu) 曲 : 林京美 (Ching-Mei Lin) Mild Evening, Graceful Evening, When all the eyes are touring to the weSt When sunset, before his sea-...  Style.display='';$(this).getParent().Style.display='none';">moreStyle="display:none;">【wow! 合唱】音樂會 時間/ 2014年9月20日 地點/ 大東文化藝術中心 指揮/ 朱如鳳 鋼琴/ 楊郁雯 《At The Twilight Hour》 《蒼茫時刻》 詞:余光中 (Kwang-Chung Yu) 曲 : 林京美 (Ching-Mei Lin) Mild Evening, Graceful Evening, When all the eyes are touring to the weSt When sunset, before his sea-burial Under a sky of crimson splendor, Say good-bye to this our old world Like a tenor trailing his laSt aria. Not even the dike, now, all its length Can retain the shimmer on the tide Nor bid that lonely freight not To set out at this twilight hour. 溫柔的黃昏啊唯美的黃昏 當所有的眼睛都向西凝神 看落日在海葬之前 用滿天壯麗的霞光 像男高音為歌劇收場 對我們這世界說再見 即使防波堤伸得再長 也挽留不了滿海的餘光 更無法叫住姑獨的貨船 莫在這蒼茫的時候出港 林京美繼2013年發表《望海》之後,今年再度以高雄港的景色作為靈感,延伸創作了《蒼茫時刻》;相對於《望海》的張力堆砌,《蒼茫時刻》一曲較著重於描寫孤獨惆悵的情感。 《蒼茫時刻》原詩為余光中教授於1998年所寫,描述高雄港壯麗而淒美的落日,縱有千萬不捨,卻終須一別。樂曲中鋼琴如波浪般的音型,宛若海洋充滿著情感的內心獨白;合唱男聲的高音域,呈現出透明澄澈的水波光影;全曲最後以溫暖的旋律收尾,表述了夕陽無限好,卻稍縱即逝的惆悵傷感。 《蒼茫時刻》由高雄室內合唱團委託創作,於2014年9月20日由朱如鳳老師指揮高雄室內合唱團,於高雄市大東文藝中心演藝廳首演。 (林京美) (2014 © Kaohsiung Chamber Choir. Do not use these information without permission...    Style.display='';$(this).getParent().Style.display='none';">less

Voices of Concinnity
group_photo: Voices of Concinnity

Voices of Concinnity vocal Chamber ensemble.

Salve Regina by Ivo Antognini - Vocale Neuburg (AUSTRIA)
video: Salve Regina by Ivo Antognini - Vocale Neuburg (AUStRIA)

Chamber Choir VOCALE NEUBURG conducted by Oskar Egle. Live recording during the International Competition in Bratislava - May 2010. Vocale Neuburg was the winner of the Grand Prix!

Southern California Children's Choir
group: Southern California Children's Choir

The Southern California Children’s Chorus (SCCC), Orange County’s only chorus dedicated exclusively to meeting the educational and performance needs of children, seeks to do more than introduce youth to music and singing. It Strives to enrich the lives of...  Style.display='';$(this).getParent().Style.display='none';">moreStyle="display:none;">The Southern California Children’s Chorus (SCCC), Orange County’s only chorus dedicated exclusively to meeting the educational and performance needs of children, seeks to do more than introduce youth to music and singing. It Strives to enrich the lives of its members through programs Stressing musical aptitude, teamwork, discipline, self-confidence and personal growth. Music camps, social outings, concert tours and an annual, child-involved fundraiser are combined with weekly rehearsals and live performances to create the type of nurturing environment that enables members to mature musically and socially. The SCCC and its musical directors serve as mentors, coaches and friends to Students in a variety of socioeconomic levels.  Style.display='';$(this).getParent().Style.display='none';">less

Gjendines bådnlåt 嫣汀的搖籃曲
video: Gjendines bådnlåt 嫣汀的搖籃曲

2013.5.20 北歐音畫夏季音樂會 2 大東文化藝術中心演藝廳 指揮: 科勒.漢肯 Kåre Hanken Gjendines bådnlåt:Gunnar Eriksson 嫣汀的搖籃曲(挪威民謠)- 編曲:艾瑞克森 艾瑞克森(Gunnar Eriksson, 1936─)為瑞典著名指揮家、作曲家及編曲家,師事斯德哥爾摩皇家音樂學院傳奇人物教授艾瑞克‧艾瑞克¬森。目前活躍於瑞典,並任教於哥德堡大學,並擔任哥德堡室內合唱團與萊爾克室內合唱團的指揮及領導者。本曲歌詞分為兩大段,相同...  Style.display='';$(this).getParent().Style.display='none';">moreStyle="display:none;">2013.5.20 北歐音畫夏季音樂會 2 大東文化藝術中心演藝廳 指揮: 科勒.漢肯 Kåre Hanken Gjendines bådnlåt:Gunnar Eriksson 嫣汀的搖籃曲(挪威民謠)- 編曲:艾瑞克森 艾瑞克森(Gunnar Eriksson, 1936─)為瑞典著名指揮家、作曲家及編曲家,師事斯德哥爾摩皇家音樂學院傳奇人物教授艾瑞克‧艾瑞克¬森。目前活躍於瑞典,並任教於哥德堡大學,並擔任哥德堡室內合唱團與萊爾克室內合唱團的指揮及領導者。本曲歌詞分為兩大段,相同的主旋律分別由女生兩部演唱,其他聲部巧妙地以分散和弦演唱著嫣汀之名,呈現出輕巧恬靜的曲趣。 Barnet legges i vuggen ned Stundom greder(gråter) og Stundom ler Sove nu i Jesu navn Jesus bevare barnet Min mor hun tok meg på sitt fang Danse med meg frem og tilbake Danse så med de små danse Danse så skal barnet danse 放在搖籃裡的寶寶 有時哭泣有時笑 此刻他正在耶穌的懷裡睡著 是受耶穌所保護的小孩 我的母親抱我放在她的腳上 帶著我來來回回的跳舞 跳著小巧的舞蹈 跳著屬於寶寶的舞蹈  Style.display='';$(this).getParent().Style.display='none';">less

Kórus Spontánusz
group: Kórus Spontánusz

Who are we? Well, we are the Kórus Spontánusz! That was our answer, unexpected even for us, since we hadn’t thought of a name yet. It happened on a December night in 2001 in Sopron in front of the Dömötöri Patisserie where we sang ChriStmas carols for ...  Style.display='';$(this).getParent().Style.display='none';">moreStyle="display:none;">Who are we? Well, we are the Kórus Spontánusz! That was our answer, unexpected even for us, since we hadn’t thought of a name yet. It happened on a December night in 2001 in Sopron in front of the Dömötöri Patisserie where we sang ChriStmas carols for the passersby. We didn’t notice being founded, only the joy of polyphonic singing. It was, and Still is our experience that making music together Strengthens exiSting friendships and facilitates the development of new ones. We Started out with 13 people and our numbers have only been growing ever since, we count 25-35 members on average. We gladly sing anything may that be it religious or secular, Hungarian or from abroad regardless of its period or language if it fits our skills and numbers. We sing in churches, reStaurants, museums, the Academy of Music, small villages in Hungary or AuStria, at international competitions, libraries – anyplace where we are welcome. Singing in a Choir is a demanding activity; it takes a lot of time, energy, discipline a...    Style.display='';$(this).getParent().Style.display='none';">less

Beatrice Corona: Air - VokalArs , Madrid, Spain; Dir.: Nuría Fernández Herranz
video: Beatrice Corona: Air - VokalArs , Madrid, Spain; Dir.: Nuría Fernández Herranz

12th International Chamber Choir Competition Marktoberdorf, Germany,; June 10-15, 2011; Live recording; This is a service of Choral FeStival Network; Competition Round 2, June 12

The Lassus Scholars
group: The Lassus Scholars

The Lassus Scholars, named after the great Renaissance composer Orlande de Lassus, seek to achieve excellence in expression and interpretation in all musical Styles from the 16th century to the present day.

group: CHOREOS

The fundamental connection between music and scenic performance – this will be the intent with which CHOREOS wants to produce a new quality of musical scenic performances. The long-term experience of scenic choreographic work with different Choirs shows ...  Style.display='';$(this).getParent().Style.display='none';">moreStyle="display:none;">The fundamental connection between music and scenic performance – this will be the intent with which CHOREOS wants to produce a new quality of musical scenic performances. The long-term experience of scenic choreographic work with different Choirs shows us that singing or experiencing music is always connected to a primal impulse to movement. This primal impulse is unfolded our production, connect it to space and light and bring it all together in our performance. The result is a new musical work in a physical wholesomeness in which sound and movement do not compete but complement and enhance each other in fruitful ways. We are not intereSted in creating pictures for the music – we enhance the uncompromising sound to another level of perception, we heighten and amplify the body consciousness of our singing performers. We use the knowledge about the space and the powerful energies therein for our performances of Choir singing. The dialogue between the perception of the inside and outside, the area of tension ...    Style.display='';$(this).getParent().Style.display='none';">less