Pictures from our first CD production.
Bournemouth-based award-winning choir Do You Hear the People Sing? rehearsing The Gods Love Nubia from Aida
Rosthern Junior College High School Global Community Choir presented this virtual choir at the 2021 Choirs & Cakes Fundraiser at RJC High School. There Is More Love Somewhere arr. Adam Podd and Matt Podd Video ed... more
Salvacosta sing Darren Bartlett's simply beautiful A Capella arrangement of 'Where Is Love?' from the Classic British Musical 'Oliver' by Lionel Bart. Copyright Lakeview Music Publishing Co. Ltd PerFormed by Salvacosta Arr. Darren Marc Bartlett Vide... more
"Mashed Potato/Love Poem," No. 2 from "Play with Your Food" by Paul Carey. Text by Sidney Hoddes. Recorded live on May 16, 2014, at the Broward Center For the PerForming Arts in Fort Lauderdale, Florida. PerFormed by the Chamber Singers and Men's Auxil... more
Christina Morphova female choir-Sofia , Bulgaria Conductor Tania Nikleva-Vladeva Accompaniment Maya Vassileva
The premiere perFormance of composer Ethan McGrath's "The Passionate Shepherd to His Love" -- a setting of the famed poem by Christopher Marlowe. Ethan McGrath assembled the choir specially For this perFormance. Kelsi Williams and Joshua Farnsworth, vo... more
"Let My Love Be Heard" by Jake Runestad. PerFormed by the Bob Cole Conservatory Chamber Choir. Dr. Jonathan Talberg, conductor. Presented in memory of Nohemi Gonzalez. Full story:
Salzburg, as Mozart’s hometown, is traditionally famous For its musical festivals and vivid cultural life during the whole year. Meet there again through choral music! Beyond the Love of music, Salzburg is renowned For its geographical surroundings...
此曲原由阿根廷的流行音樂作曲家法飛洛(A. Favero),根據烏拉圭著名詩人班奈戴提(M. Benedetti)所寫的情詩而作,由康吉安諾(L. Cangiano)改編寫成無伴奏混聲合唱曲,以厚實多變的和聲表現歌詞中深情呼喚至愛的誠摯情感。 我愛你,你是我的至愛,我的密友,我的一切。 當我們手挽著手走過每一條路, 我們就像同一個人一樣的心靈契合; 當你的眼睛凝望著我,整天的鬱悶都將一掃而空。 我愛你,你的身影是我向未來前進的力量。 你的手撫慰了我的心,我每天的思緒, 讓世界上的一切都能... more