lass="view_more">London chamber choir Vasari Singers, conducted by Jeremy Backhouse, sing the beautiful Peace my Heart, from the 2008 Requiem, by British composer Gabriel Jackson. Commissioned and premiered by the Vasari Singers and also recorded on the chart-hit CD, th... lass="view_more_link" href="javascript:void(0);" onclick="$(this).getParent().getNext().style.display='';$(this).getParent().style.display='none';">morelass="view_more" style="display:none;">London chamber choir Vasari Singers, conducted by Jeremy Backhouse, sing the beautiful Peace my Heart, from the 2008 Requiem, by British composer Gabriel Jackson. Commissioned and premiered by the Vasari Singers and also recorded on the chart-hit CD, this is a recording of a live performance of the Requiem by the choir at St Sepulchre-without-Newgate, London, in October 2012. Filming, editing and production by Lee Devine.
lass="view_more">Peace through Folk Concert filmed live on September 15th 2018. Please go to ...... to get the pdf of the programme for this concert. Featuring a cast of over 44 singers In planning the narrative fo... lass="view_more_link" href="javascript:void(0);" onclick="$(this).getParent().getNext().style.display='';$(this).getParent().style.display='none';">morelass="view_more" style="display:none;">Peace through Folk Concert filmed live on September 15th 2018. Please go to ...... to get the pdf of the programme for this concert. Featuring a cast of over 44 singers In planning the narrative for this concert, where possible, we named individual victims to lend identity to the anonymity of the masses. The concert also reflected on modern conflicts with a special focus on the impact of war on ordinary innocent people -refugees, civilians, children and victims of the growth of modern slavery often associated with conflict. Featuring well loved songs of commemoration, Peace, friendship and reconciliation, there was plenty of opportunity to join in, loudly and with meaning - and by being together, singing and making music . 300 plus people were part of what is happening amongst like minded people trying to bring Peace to Planet Earth at this very difficult and troubled time. songs include Robins song Singing out the days The French Prostitute ... lass="view_less_link" href="javascript:void(0);" onclick="$(this).getParent().getPrevious().style.display='';$(this).getParent().style.display='none';">less
"Voz", de Ernesto Mateo, interpretado por el coro femenino del CSMC dirigido por Nikoleta Popova. Poema de Víctor Landeira. Imagen: "Reflection Nebula", por NASA y The Hubble Heritage Team (STScl)
lass="view_more">A Prayer for Peace for SATB Chorus unaccompanied Music by Stanley M. Hoffman (2007) Words Freely Based on the Traditional Hebrew Prayer Oseh Shalom Translated and Adapted by Stanley M. Hoffman Performed by The Philovox Ensemble Jane Ring... lass="view_more_link" href="javascript:void(0);" onclick="$(this).getParent().getNext().style.display='';$(this).getParent().style.display='none';">morelass="view_more" style="display:none;">A Prayer for Peace for SATB Chorus unaccompanied Music by Stanley M. Hoffman (2007) Words Freely Based on the Traditional Hebrew Prayer Oseh Shalom Translated and Adapted by Stanley M. Hoffman Performed by The Philovox Ensemble Jane Ring Frank, conductor Music and Translation: © Copyright 2007 by Ione Press, Inc., a division of ECS Publishing. All rights reserved. Used by permission. ECS Publishing Catalog No. 7142 Recording: © Copyright 2007 by ECS Publishing. All rights reserved. Used by permission. lass="view_less_link" href="javascript:void(0);" onclick="$(this).getParent().getPrevious().style.display='';$(this).getParent().style.display='none';">less
Live recording of Ola Gjeilo's Sunrise Mass Chœur de Chambre Ishango & lassenne Vocale Vilniaus Universiteto Kamerinis Orkestras Modestas Jankūnas, conductor Ivan Yohan, choir master
performed in Saskatoon, SK November 2024 Richard Janzen, director Audrey Falk Janzen, piano
lass="view_more">The Milwaukee Choral Artists sing in concert on October 23, 2010 at St. Matthew's Lutheran Church, Wauwatosa, WI "A Prayer for Peace" by Paula Foley Tillen. Milwaukee Choral Artists, Sharon Hansen, Music Director. The text, by Buddhist Thich Nhat Hanh,... lass="view_more_link" href="javascript:void(0);" onclick="$(this).getParent().getNext().style.display='';$(this).getParent().style.display='none';">morelass="view_more" style="display:none;">The Milwaukee Choral Artists sing in concert on October 23, 2010 at St. Matthew's Lutheran Church, Wauwatosa, WI "A Prayer for Peace" by Paula Foley Tillen. Milwaukee Choral Artists, Sharon Hansen, Music Director. The text, by Buddhist Thich Nhat Hanh, was written as a Peace chant in South Vietnam during the Vietnam War. In beauty, sitting on a lotus flower, Lord Buddha, quiet and solid. Your humble disciple, calm and pure of heart, forms a lotus flower with the hands, and offers this heartfelt prayer: Homage to all Buddhas in the ten directions. Because of your love for all people, have compassion on us. Help us to remember we are just one family, North and South. Help us rekindle our compassion and brotherhood. May your compassion help us to overcome our hatred. Humbly we open our hearts to you: Water the flowers of our spirits with your deep understanding. Humbly we open our hearts to you: Help our hearts grow light. Homage to all Buddhas in the ten directions. Because of your love for all p... lass="view_less_link" href="javascript:void(0);" onclick="$(this).getParent().getPrevious().style.display='';$(this).getParent().style.display='none';">less
'Peace is not something you wish for; it is something you make, something you do, something you are and something you give away' ~ John Lennon Solo: Charles Murage Song is available on the Album 'Spirit of Africa' #SetTheMusicFree www.kenyanboyschoir,com
lass="view_more">Zulu song of liberation with additional verse of Peace in English Aya ngena = They Come In, Aya phuma = They get out, Aya didizela = They're in a state of confusion, Aya sab' amagwala = The cowards are scared. Peace we bring you why must evr... lass="view_more_link" href="javascript:void(0);" onclick="$(this).getParent().getNext().style.display='';$(this).getParent().style.display='none';">morelass="view_more" style="display:none;">Zulu song of liberation with additional verse of Peace in English Aya ngena = They Come In, Aya phuma = They get out, Aya didizela = They're in a state of confusion, Aya sab' amagwala = The cowards are scared. Peace we bring you why must evr'ybody keep on fighting when hunger needs to be fought leave your guns now fight with ploughshares leave your guns now
lass="view_more">Villancico tradicional de España adaptado para Coro SATB y piano por Víctor C. Jonsohn e interpretado por el CORO "SANTA MARÍA" de Coria del Río el domingo 22 de diciembre de 2024, acompañados al piano por Óscar Vicente, bajo la dirección de Sergio Asián,... lass="view_more_link" href="javascript:void(0);" onclick="$(this).getParent().getNext().style.display='';$(this).getParent().style.display='none';">morelass="view_more" style="display:none;">Villancico tradicional de España adaptado para Coro SATB y piano por Víctor C. Jonsohn e interpretado por el CORO "SANTA MARÍA" de Coria del Río el domingo 22 de diciembre de 2024, acompañados al piano por Óscar Vicente, bajo la dirección de Sergio Asián, durante el XXIV Concierto de Navidad celebrado en la Parroquia de San José de Coria del Río (Sevilla). A la nanita nana, nanita ea, nanita ea Mi niño tiene sueño, bendito sea, bendito sea A la nanita nana, nanita ea, nanita ea Mi niño tiene sueño, bendito sea, bendito sea. Fuentecita que corre clara y sonora Ruiseñor que en la selva, cantando y llora Calla mientras la cuna, se balancea A la nanita nana, nanita ea. A la nanita nana, nanita ea, nanita ea, Mi niño tiene sueño, bendito sea, bendito sea. Fuentecita que corre clara y sonora Ruiseñor que en la selva, cantando y llora Calla mientras la cuna, se balancea A la nanita nana nanita ea. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Mas info... lass="view_less_link" href="javascript:void(0);" onclick="$(this).getParent().getPrevious().style.display='';$(this).getParent().style.display='none';">less