AVE MARIS STELLA by Swiss composer Ivo AnTognini CANToRI DELLA TURRITA (Switzerland) - Daniela Beltraminelli, conducTor
World AIDS Day 2016: il coro LGBTQIE, Roma Rainbow Choir, diretTo da Giulia Catenazzo, si esibisce nel Rainbow Music Against AIDS, concerTo a sostegno di Anlaids Lazio, che vede la partecipazione del Gruppo Vocale Ronde e del Gruppo Vocale Ottava Rima.
"Hodie Christus natus est" from "On Yoolis Night". 13th century British antiphon, arr. Anonymous 4 http://www.anonymous4.com Recorded live on Friday, December 21, 2012, at All Saints Episcopal Church in Fort Lauderdale, Florida. PerforMed by the Chambe... more
"Ther is no rose of swych vertu" from "On Yoolis Night". 15th century British carol, arr. Anonymous 4 http://www.anonymous4.com Recorded live on Friday, December 21, 2012, at All Saints Episcopal Church in Fort Lauderdale, Florida. PerforMed by the Cha... more
"Nowel: Owt of your slepe aryse" from "On Yoolis Night". 15th century British carol, arr. Anonymous 4 http://www.anonymous4.com Recorded live on Friday, December 21, 2012, at All Saints Episcopal Church in Fort Lauderdale, Florida. PerforMed by the Cha... more
El Coro "Santa María" de Coria del Río (Sevilla) interpreta ADESTE FIDELES armonizado y adaptado por Ricardo Rodríguez Palacios, bajo la dirección de Sergio Asián, durante el XXI ConcierTo de Navidad, celebrado el 18 de diciembre de 2021, en la Parroquia ... more
As seeds of Israel’s chosen race and ransoMed of the fall, we will forever hail the power of His Holy NaMe AMen - GNAAS-KNUST CHOIR #trending #trendingshorts #choralmusic #trendingvideo #hymns @GH Choral Music @Hope Channel Ghana @3ABN Praise Him
Un flambeau, Jeanette Isabelle - arr: Pierre Massie, sung by The Stairwell Carollers Virtual Choir, 2020. Individual song parts recorded by the choristers using their own equipMent following lead videos made by our DirecTor, Pierre. Pierre then put Toge... more
Jesus Child,by John Rutter, Corfu Youth Choir, conducTor: Christina Kalliaridou, piano: Anna Alvizou. 16/12/2014
El Coro "Santa María" de Coria del Río (Sevilla) interpreta LO, HOW A ROSE E ´ER BLOOMING de Jay Rouse el 17 de diciembre de 2022, durante la celebración del XXII ConcierTo de Navidad, bajo la dirección de Sergio Asián, acompañados al piano por Óscar Vice... more