6,225 results found
G:Force Gospel Choir
The ‘amazingly stunning’ G:FORCE GOSPEL Choir is now FIVE years old and operates as part of The performing arts college community programme at Formby High School. We are a truly trans-generational Choir consisting of staff, parents, colleagues, friends a... moreThe ‘amazingly stunning’ G:FORCE GOSPEL Choir is now FIVE years old and operates as part of The performing arts college community programme at Formby High School. We are a truly trans-generational Choir consisting of staff, parents, colleagues, friends and family from across The Formby High School community. At full strength, we have over 80 talented members and we have recently launched a smaller ‘function’ group – The ‘G:Force Executive’ for weddings and private functions.
We support The national Sing Up campaign and perform regularly across The local community. This exciting and innovative Choir rehearses every Tuesday evening during term time, from 6.30pm til 8.00pm. Join us for fun and laughter every week, plus great gigs, inspirational songs and memorable experiences!
Our repertoire consists of a broad variety of soul, gospel, R&B, pop and contemporary commissions. Arrangements are tailored to our distinctive vocal style, highlighting some incredible ensemble and solo abilities.
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Hamilton Children's Choir
For 40 years, The Hamilton Children's Choir (HCC) has provided ways to participate and experience The joys and benefits of singing in a Choir – believing that "If you can speak, you can sing." Boosting about 190 c... moreFor 40 years, The Hamilton Children's Choir (HCC) has provided ways to participate and experience The joys and benefits of singing in a Choir – believing that "If you can speak, you can sing." Boosting about 190 choristers ages 5 to 18, The HCC offers youth vocal training and music instruction to foster creative expression and appreciation of music. Its latest Choir program, Lads & Gents, is a boys Choir program that provides young male singers (ages 8 to 28) with an opportunity to explore Their choral instrument within a safe, supportive environment, surrounded by oTher boys and young men.
An internationally-acclaimed and award-winning Choir, The HCC has been invited to tour across Canada, Europe and more recently Saint-Lô, France for The Polyfollia concert (Oct. 21-26, 2014), a biennial world showcase and marketplace for choral singing. For more information, visit less
One Day One Choir 2018
Last June, at The Final School Year Concert of our Voces Blancas del Nalón Schools Choirs, we rehearsed and sang our interpretation of The New One Day One Choir Song. We did it so, that The 21st of September, we could join our voices to all those thousand... moreLast June, at The Final School Year Concert of our Voces Blancas del Nalón Schools Choirs, we rehearsed and sang our interpretation of The New One Day One Choir Song. We did it so, that The 21st of September, we could join our voices to all those thousand of Choirs and choral singers that are singing for The peace within The OneDayOneChoir initiative.
El pasado junio, en el Festival de fin de curso de los Coros Escolares de Voces Blancas del Nalón, preparamos y cantamos nuestra interpretación de la pieza The New One Day One Choir Song. De esta manera, sumamos nuestras voces a las de miles de coros y coralistas del mundo que cantan el día 21 de septiembre por la paz mundial.
Festival de Fin de Curso Coros Escolares de Voces Blancas del Nalón, junio 2018 less
Eurovision Choir of The Year 2017 - Béla Bartók Male Choir (HU) @ Arena Riga (LT)
Bartók Béla Férfikar/Béla Bartók Male Choir - Pécs, Hungary
Zoltán Kodály: Songs from Karád (Karádi Nóták)
Conductor: Tamás Lakner
Eurovision Choir of The Year 2017 @ Arena Riga, Latvia moreBartók Béla Férfikar/Béla Bartók Male Choir - Pécs, Hungary
Zoltán Kodály: Songs from Karád (Karádi Nóták)
Conductor: Tamás Lakner
Eurovision Choir of The Year 2017 @ Arena Riga, Latvia
Vox Chamber Choir
The Vox Chamber Choir, founded in 2017 by Franco Prinsloo, is an internationally acclaimed ensemble based in Pretoria, South Africa. Comprising forty highly skilled and experienced choristers, The Choir is dedicated to recording and performing The composi... moreThe Vox Chamber Choir, founded in 2017 by Franco Prinsloo, is an internationally acclaimed ensemble based in Pretoria, South Africa. Comprising forty highly skilled and experienced choristers, The Choir is dedicated to recording and performing The compositions of Their conductor, Franco Prinsloo. Born in 1987, Prinsloo is a world-renowned composer whose innovative works have significantly enriched The cultural landscape of South Africa. The Choir’s mission is to serve as The instrument through which Prinsloo’s music comes to life, maintaining a highly professional standard in all Their endeavors.
Under Prinsloo’s visionary leadership, The Vox Chamber Choir has achieved remarkable success. They have won multiple gold medals at prestigious events, including The World Choir Games in 2018 and various Interkultur competitions. Their albums, such as “Fire Beast” and “Aeternum,” have been released worldwide on all major digital streaming platforms and have been featured on various Spotify playlists. The Choir’s exce... less
Natsuno Enongu GPW Choir SMA 3 Semarang
Gita Puja Wiyata (GPW) Choir ,SMA 3 Semarang, sang @ 2nd Bali International Choir Festival 2013 ( 2nd BICF 2013 ), champion of Youth category (Gold Medal)
Comp. by Mr. Kentaro Sato (special thanx from us, Mr....)
Conductor : Jefry Franklin Bode
GBI... moreGita Puja Wiyata (GPW) Choir ,SMA 3 Semarang, sang @ 2nd Bali International Choir Festival 2013 ( 2nd BICF 2013 ), champion of Youth category (Gold Medal)
Comp. by Mr. Kentaro Sato (special thanx from us, Mr....)
Conductor : Jefry Franklin Bode
GBI Rock, 26 July 2013, Denpasar, Bali, Indonesia
Cherubim Male Choir 5th BICF 2016 - Nearer My God To Thee - James Steven
Cherubim Male Choir HKBP Pasar Rebo performances in Grand Prix Championship
5th Bali International Choir Festival
Conducted and Choreographed by Sonia Nadya Simanjuntak
31st July 2016 at Sanur Paradise Hotel, Bali - Indonesia
Grand Prix Winner
Resu... moreCherubim Male Choir HKBP Pasar Rebo performances in Grand Prix Championship
5th Bali International Choir Festival
Conducted and Choreographed by Sonia Nadya Simanjuntak
31st July 2016 at Sanur Paradise Hotel, Bali - Indonesia
Grand Prix Winner
Result :
1. Choir Competition Winner
2. Choir Championship Winner
3. Grand Prix Championship Winner
4. Excellent Conductor - Sonia Nadya Simanjuntak
J.Brahms 'Fest und Gedenksprüche, Op.109' by World Youth Choir @ Pretoria UniHall, South Africa 2007
The Foundation World Youth Choir, all rights reserved. Any resemblance with a third party content is accidental and does not affect The rights to this recording.
World Youth Choir, 2007 session in South Africa and Namibia
Composer: Johan... moreThe Foundation World Youth Choir, all rights reserved. Any resemblance with a third party content is accidental and does not affect The rights to this recording.
World Youth Choir, 2007 session in South Africa and Namibia
Composer: Johannes Brahms (1833-1897)
Piece: Fest und Gedenksprüche, Op. 109, Three motets for eight voices (SATBSATB)
Movement: No.1 ''Unsere Väter hofften auf dich''
Conductor: Peter Dijkstra, The NeTherlands (former World Youth Choir singer)
Recorded at The University of Pretoria concert hall
Unsere Väter hofften auf dich; und da sie hofften, halfst du ihnen aus.
Zu dir schrieen sie und wurden errettet; sie hofften auf dich
und wurden nicht zu Schanden.
Der Herr wird seinem Volk Kraft geben,
der Herr wird sein Volk segnen mit Frieden.
(Psalm 22 vv. 5-6; Psalm 29 v. 11)
The World Youth Choir session 2007 was held in South Africa and Namibia thanks to The cooperation between The Foundation World Youth Choir and The Jeunesses Musicales South Africa and th... less
Chór Filharmonii Poznańskiej ,,Poznańskie Słowiki"
The Poznań Nightingales Boys' and Men's Choir of The Poznań Philharmonics continues The centuries' old choral traditions of The city of Poznań. Historical sources confirm The existence in The 15th century of a vocal ensemble composed of students and teach... moreThe Poznań Nightingales Boys' and Men's Choir of The Poznań Philharmonics continues The centuries' old choral traditions of The city of Poznań. Historical sources confirm The existence in The 15th century of a vocal ensemble composed of students and teachers of The CaThedral School. Uninterruptedly since 1939, The Poznań Nightingales Choir has worked and given concerts under The baton of Prof. Stefan Stuligrosz for 73 years. Prof. Stefan Stuligrosz died on 15 of June, 2012. At The express request of The late Professor in 2012 Maciej Wieloch was appointed Artistic Director of The Poznan Philharmonic Choir Poznan Nightingales less