If you enjoy singing with others, you will love being a member of the Tri-Cees Community Chorale. The group performs something for everyone: SeaSonal Favorites, Classic Hits, Spirituals, Broadway Showtunes, Standards, World and Historical music. We mee... more
The choir is formed on 11. 04. 2007. The members of the choir are professional musicians. Until now, the choir took part in the projects of the National Theater and The Opera House of Bitola (Heraclea and Likini and Fiddler on the roof); choir seminar in ... more
The New 4tet is a group of four friends, Gemma, Emma, Gary and Noel, who as very experienced choral singers decided to meet once in a while to drink wine, chat, socialise, and do a bit of singing together, just for fun. As these things do however, the ... more
Tantak Korala is a child-youth group from Mungia, which performs choral activities in addition to his musical training. The choir is composed by children between 7 to 18, all directed by their conductor, Asun Lopez. Although their trajectory is short they... more
Мария Гулегина записывает "Жертву вечернюю" П.Чеснокова с Академическим большим хором РГГУ п/у Бориса Тараканова. ФРАГМЕНТ Maria Guleghina & Academic Grand Chorus of the Russian State University for the Humanities (RGGU) conducted by Boris Tarakanov
The Choral Society is a 150-voice ensemble of experienced professional and avocational singers who volunteer their time and talents in the service of the choral art form. Supported by some of New York’s finest freelance orchestra players, the Choral Soci... more
Stonehouse Male Voice Choir have been entertaining audiences in the west of Scotland for the last 80 years.