More">Since our inception in 2001, we have been creating wonderful music for audiences all around southern California. Our singers are all ages and coMe from all walks of Life. Our motTo is musical excellence in the Barbershop style" and we... More_link" href="javascript:void(0);" onclick="$(this).getParent().getNext().style.display='';$(this).getParent().style.display='none';">MoreMore" style="display:none;">Since our inception in 2001, we have been creating wonderful music for audiences all around southern California. Our singers are all ages and coMe from all walks of Life. Our motTo is musical excellence in the Barbershop style" and we strive To bring that excellence To every performance. We like To perform in and around our community. We perform almost anywhere, including parties, business Meetings, churches, and theaters. We have been regular perforMers at the Muckenthaler Cultural Center in FullerTon and at Disneyland for several years. We offer quality family entertainMent for most budgets. less
More">We are a Community Choir welcoming all voices! We love To sing at community events. Our vision is To bring 'the joy of singing' .....and we see that on the faces of the people we engage with from all walks of Life. We also put on a couple of variety conc... More_link" href="javascript:void(0);" onclick="$(this).getParent().getNext().style.display='';$(this).getParent().style.display='none';">MoreMore" style="display:none;">We are a Community Choir welcoming all voices! We love To sing at community events. Our vision is To bring 'the joy of singing' .....and we see that on the faces of the people we engage with from all walks of Life. We also put on a couple of variety concerts each year raising funds for various needy causes.
More">We are a Community Choir welcoming all voices! We love To sing at community events. Our vision is To bring 'the joy of singing' .....and we see that on the faces of the people we engage with from all walks of Life. We also put on a couple of variety conc... More_link" href="javascript:void(0);" onclick="$(this).getParent().getNext().style.display='';$(this).getParent().style.display='none';">MoreMore" style="display:none;">We are a Community Choir welcoming all voices! We love To sing at community events. Our vision is To bring 'the joy of singing' .....and we see that on the faces of the people we engage with from all walks of Life. We also put on a couple of variety concerts each year raising funds for various needy causes.
More">The Messenger performance @ Music Recital of our beloved teacher Richard Samuel Awuy. "CoMe What May" on May 9th 2019. What a blessing. Pianist : Vicky Putra Soprano : Pritta Kartika, Ira Logo, Blessed Andini AlTo : Dwi Anna, Cordelya Sinaga Male ... More_link" href="javascript:void(0);" onclick="$(this).getParent().getNext().style.display='';$(this).getParent().style.display='none';">MoreMore" style="display:none;">The Messenger performance @ Music Recital of our beloved teacher Richard Samuel Awuy. "CoMe What May" on May 9th 2019. What a blessing. Pianist : Vicky Putra Soprano : Pritta Kartika, Ira Logo, Blessed Andini AlTo : Dwi Anna, Cordelya Sinaga Male : Allan Ngongoloy, Ferdynand AnTonius, Daniel Sidabutar, TiTo Josua Vocal Coach : Richard Samuel Awuy
More">Latin “con” +“spirare” = “To breathe Together.” We sing Life. Conspirare was founded in 1991 To present a sumMer classical music festival in Austin, Texas. Since then, the organization has grown rapidly To becoMe an internationally recognized, profess... More_link" href="javascript:void(0);" onclick="$(this).getParent().getNext().style.display='';$(this).getParent().style.display='none';">MoreMore" style="display:none;">Latin “con” +“spirare” = “To breathe Together.” We sing Life. Conspirare was founded in 1991 To present a sumMer classical music festival in Austin, Texas. Since then, the organization has grown rapidly To becoMe an internationally recognized, professional choral organization that combines outstanding vocal artistry with innovative programming. Led by renowned founding artistic direcTor Craig Hella Johnson, Conspirare is comprised of two adult ensembles and two youth choirs. The five-tiMe Grammy-nominated chamber choir Conspirare, with extraordinarily talented singers from around the country, is presented in an annual concert series in Austin and other Texas communities, Tours in the U.S. and abroad, and records on the Harmonia Mundi label. The Conspirare Symphonic Choir of both professional and volunteer singers performs at least one large choral/orchestral work annually in Austin and often collaborates with the Austin Symphony and other performing organizations. The Conspirare Youth Choirs is an educat... less
The Brocal Chords perform at the Drake University Relay for Life fundraiser.
More">Chernomorski Zvutsi mixed choir was established in 1914 and has an active presence in the cultural Life of North-East Bulgaria. NuMerous participations, diplomas and awards at international choral competitions and festivals throughout Europe have been rec... More_link" href="javascript:void(0);" onclick="$(this).getParent().getNext().style.display='';$(this).getParent().style.display='none';">MoreMore" style="display:none;">Chernomorski Zvutsi mixed choir was established in 1914 and has an active presence in the cultural Life of North-East Bulgaria. NuMerous participations, diplomas and awards at international choral competitions and festivals throughout Europe have been recorded in the choir’s artistic biography. It has issued three CDs, a docuMentary „The Journey” and a book.The choir has been honoured with two prestigious Bulgarian awards in the field of the musical art: The Golden Lyre of the Union of the Bulgarian Musicians and Dancers and the Golden Plaque of the Bulgarian ChoralUnion – both of them for its creative activity and contribution To the Bulgarian musical culture. Chernomorski Zvutsi is a world of work and creativity, companionship and fusion where assimilating yourself, you becoMe part of a whole. United by their love of music and the inToxicating feeling of community and synergy, these fine and highly sensitive people write the cultural hisTory of the Town of Balchik. It is of equal interest To them... less
Concert at St Margarets, Silverstream, Upper Hutt 19 May 2013. This is our favourite song because we get To do solo lines and we Totally love The Muppets..and we think Bret McKenzie also a Kiwi is pretty cool!
More">The King's Choir is a Community Choir --A Common Life Singing Group for singers ages 50+ (though we practice a don't ask - don't tell policy)...I.e., if you wish To sing in our choir and are available for daytiMe rehearsals you are More Than welcoMe To jo... More_link" href="javascript:void(0);" onclick="$(this).getParent().getNext().style.display='';$(this).getParent().style.display='none';">MoreMore" style="display:none;">The King's Choir is a Community Choir --A Common Life Singing Group for singers ages 50+ (though we practice a don't ask - don't tell policy)...I.e., if you wish To sing in our choir and are available for daytiMe rehearsals you are More Than welcoMe To join us! We have a few "under-aged" adults among us, and we love it! Our purpose is To reflect the image, veracity, and immutability of our Lord Jesus Christ through music, testimony, and personal commitMent To those in the senior community and beyond. less
More">Platinum Consort was founded by Scott Inglis-Kidger and Claire Jaggers in 2005. The consort specialises in bringing vibrancy To early music, as well as breathing Life inTo newly commissioned pieces. Originating at the University of Cambridge, the consort... More_link" href="javascript:void(0);" onclick="$(this).getParent().getNext().style.display='';$(this).getParent().style.display='none';">MoreMore" style="display:none;">Platinum Consort was founded by Scott Inglis-Kidger and Claire Jaggers in 2005. The consort specialises in bringing vibrancy To early music, as well as breathing Life inTo newly commissioned pieces. Originating at the University of Cambridge, the consort attracted singers from the renowned choirs of St John's, Jesus, Trinity and King's Colleges. Now a professional vocal ensemble, Platinum Consort boasts soMe of the best young singers in London. They have an affinity with the music of composer Richard Bates and recently premiered his Tenebrae Responsories. These, along with other music inspired by the Tenebrae tradition appear on Platinum's debut album, In The Dark which is released on Resonus Classics. Platinum also runs a Boys' Choir, which aims To be one of the best of its kind in the UK. In addition To this our Choral Workshops provide a wealth of opportunities for singers who wish To explore glorious reperToire in smaller groups. More info: less