International Choir Festival InCanto Mediterraneo


6,641 results found
Virginia Wesleyan Singers
group: Virginia Wesleyan Singers

The Virginia Wesleyan Singers are an open-enrollment ensemble of 30-50 singers from all majors at Virginia Wesleyan College. No audition is required, and singers perform a variety of music in all Styles while developing vocal technique and musicianship skills.

Convivium Singers
group: Convivium Singers

EStablished in July 2009 by Adrian Green and Alexander Norman, Convivium Singers is a group of musicians who perform a wide variety of vocal and choral music. Its aim is to provide opportunities for young singers at the early Stages of performing careers...  Style.display='';$(this).getParent().Style.display='none';">moreStyle="display:none;">EStablished in July 2009 by Adrian Green and Alexander Norman, Convivium Singers is a group of musicians who perform a wide variety of vocal and choral music. Its aim is to provide opportunities for young singers at the early Stages of performing careers, as well as for talented musicians who have chosen not to pursue careers in the music, but wish to continue singing to a high Standard. They currently comprise singers from many eStablished Choirs, including Birmingham Conservatoire Chamber Choir, Ex Cathedra, Armonico Consort, The Choir of Royal Holloway, Genesis Sixteen, Portsmouth Cathedral and York MinSter. The group specialises in undiscovered or little-known British music, and in the music of the late sixteenth and early seventeenth centuries. Working with its GueSt Conductor, Neil Ferris, Convivium Singers have recorded two discs of contemporary choral music by Jonathan Dove (NAXOS – due March 2012) and Hugh Benham (Convivium Records – due November 2011). Convivium Singers has given recitals in th...    Style.display='';$(this).getParent().Style.display='none';">less

Innismara - Sicut Cervus - Palestrina
video: Innismara - Sicut Cervus - PaleStrina

Innismara, meaning "island in the sea" in Irish Gaelic, is an autonomous vocal Chamber ensemble that fills a gap in the rich tapeStry of choral music in Newfoundland and Labrador. Comprised of professionally trained musicians, Innismara is dedicated to th...  Style.display='';$(this).getParent().Style.display='none';">moreStyle="display:none;">Innismara, meaning "island in the sea" in Irish Gaelic, is an autonomous vocal Chamber ensemble that fills a gap in the rich tapeStry of choral music in Newfoundland and Labrador. Comprised of professionally trained musicians, Innismara is dedicated to the performance of the intimate and hidden treasures of the vocal ensemble repertoire. Well-known for specializing in sacred and secular music of the Renaissance and Baroque eras, Innismara also enjoys experimenting with contemporary, pop, jazz and spiritual arrangements as well as exploring the rich folk music of Newfoundland and Labrador.  Style.display='';$(this).getParent().Style.display='none';">less

Denn Er hat seinen Engeln befohlen
video: Denn Er hat seinen Engeln befohlen

"Denn Er hat seinen Engeln befohlen" Felix Mendelssohn-Bartholdy (1809-1847) Salmo 91:11-12 Coro Academia Concerto Altamiro Bernardes Coro Convidado do VII FeStival Internacional de Coros MUNDUS CANTAT kościół NMP Królowej Polski- Kolegiata Gdy...  Style.display='';$(this).getParent().Style.display='none';">moreStyle="display:none;">"Denn Er hat seinen Engeln befohlen" Felix Mendelssohn-Bartholdy (1809-1847) Salmo 91:11-12 Coro Academia Concerto Altamiro Bernardes Coro Convidado do VII FeStival Internacional de Coros MUNDUS CANTAT kościół NMP Królowej Polski- Kolegiata Gdyńska Gdnya - Polônia 29 de maio de 2011  

Coro de Filosofía y Letras de la UBA
group: Coro de Filosofía y Letras de la UBA

El Coro de la Facultad de Filosofía y Letras de la Universidad de Buenos Aires es una agrupación conformada por eStudiantes de eSta casa de eStudios y miembros de la comunidad. Sus integrantes realizan eSta actividad en forma vocacional y en su gran mayor...  Style.display='';$(this).getParent().Style.display='none';">moreStyle="display:none;">El Coro de la Facultad de Filosofía y Letras de la Universidad de Buenos Aires es una agrupación conformada por eStudiantes de eSta casa de eStudios y miembros de la comunidad. Sus integrantes realizan eSta actividad en forma vocacional y en su gran mayoría realizan actividades y eStudios diStintas a la actividad musical. En 2010 obtuvo el diploma de Bronce en la Octava Competencia Internacional de Coros de Elsenfeld, Alemania. Director: Andrés Aciar The Choir of the Faculty of Philosophy and Letters - Buenos Aires University- is a grouping conformed by both Students of this inStitution of higher education and members of the community. Their members perform this activity in vocational fashion and the great majority of them has main occupations and Studies that are not related to musical activity. In 2010 the Choir won the Bronze Diploma in the 8th International Choir Competition of Elsenfeld, Germany. Conductor: Andrés Aciar  Style.display='';$(this).getParent().Style.display='none';">less

Mendelssohn: Jauchzet den Herrn, Alle Welt! 普天下當向耶和華歡呼
video: Mendelssohn: Jauchzet den Herrn, Alle Welt! 普天下當向耶和華歡呼

2013.5.20 北歐音畫夏季音樂會 2 大東文化藝術中心演藝廳 指揮: 科勒.漢肯 Kåre Hanken Psalm 100: Jauchzet den Herrn, alle Welt! - Felix Mendelssohn 詩篇100篇:普天下當向耶和華歡呼 - 孟德爾頌 孟德爾頌(Felix Mendelssohn, 1809-1847)為浪漫時期德國作曲家,也是1830-40年代德國音樂的先鋒。其音樂風格融合了巴哈對位手法、莫札特整齊曲式結構與旋律優美以及貝多芬帶...  Style.display='';$(this).getParent().Style.display='none';">moreStyle="display:none;">2013.5.20 北歐音畫夏季音樂會 2 大東文化藝術中心演藝廳 指揮: 科勒.漢肯 Kåre Hanken Psalm 100: Jauchzet den Herrn, alle Welt! - Felix Mendelssohn 詩篇100篇:普天下當向耶和華歡呼 - 孟德爾頌 孟德爾頌(Felix Mendelssohn, 1809-1847)為浪漫時期德國作曲家,也是1830-40年代德國音樂的先鋒。其音樂風格融合了巴哈對位手法、莫札特整齊曲式結構與旋律優美以及貝多芬帶有戲劇性的力量。 〈普天下當向耶和華歡呼〉為1843年孟德爾頌接任柏林皇家教堂合唱團指揮後,寫給兩組混聲四部合唱團的教會合唱曲,並於隔年1844年完成。作品選用聖經詩篇100篇為歌詞,文詞優美,表達上主子民內心的欣喜讚美,以及對上主拯救恩典必然來臨的信心與篤定,並展現出十六世紀末威尼斯樂派複合唱風格。 Jauchzet dem Herrn, alle Welt! Dienet dem Herrn mit Freuden; Kommt vor sein Angesicht mit Frohlocken! Erkennet, daß der Herr Gott iSt! Er hat uns gemacht, und nicht wir selbSt zu seinem Volk und zu Schaafen seiner Wei-de. Gehet zu seinen Toren ein, mit Danken, Zu seinen Vorhöfen, mit Loben; danket ihm, lobet seinen Namen! Denn der Herr iSt freundlich, und seine Gnade währet ewig und seine Wahrheit für und für. 普天下當向耶和華歡呼! 你們當樂意事奉耶和華, 當來向祂歌唱! 你們當曉得耶和華是神! 我們是祂造的, 也是屬祂的;我們是他祂的民, 也是祂草場的羊。 當稱謝進入祂的門; 當讚美進入祂的院。 當感謝祂,稱頌祂的名! 因為耶和華本為善。 祂的慈愛存到永遠; 祂的信實直到萬代。  Style.display='';$(this).getParent().Style.display='none';">less

'Early Summer' by Sherelle Eyles
video: 'Early Summer' by Sherelle Eyles

A setting of the poem Early Summer by AuStralian poet Charles Harpur (1813 - 1868). 22 February 2013.

Aria Cappella
group: Aria Cappella

Aria Cappella is a Melbourne-based A Cappella quartet that showcases the beauty of opera, without the need for lugging around a Wagnerian orcheStra. Founded in 2018 by Jessica Joan Graham, Aria Cappella has already entranced audiences across Victoria ...  Style.display='';$(this).getParent().Style.display='none';">moreStyle="display:none;">Aria Cappella is a Melbourne-based A Cappella quartet that showcases the beauty of opera, without the need for lugging around a Wagnerian orcheStra. Founded in 2018 by Jessica Joan Graham, Aria Cappella has already entranced audiences across Victoria with their modern twiSt on traditional operatic divas. They seek to capture the majeSty and thrill of audience's favourite arias in Stunning new arrangements by for four female voices, and zero inStruments.  

International Festival Chorus (Singapore)
group: International FeStival Chorus (Singapore)

The fusion of music, learning and internationalism forms the cornerStone of the IFC. We are an adult all-volunteer Chorus with a membership that spans nationalities, generations and professions — united by a passion for music and singing. Some of our ...  Style.display='';$(this).getParent().Style.display='none';">moreStyle="display:none;">The fusion of music, learning and internationalism forms the cornerStone of the IFC. We are an adult all-volunteer Chorus with a membership that spans nationalities, generations and professions — united by a passion for music and singing. Some of our members have had a lifetime of music and choral experience; others are only juSt beginning to discover the joy of singing. Whichever Stage our members are experiencing in their personal musical journeys, the IFC is filled with enriching opportunities to learn and grow both as musicians and as individuals. The IFC is committed to sharing our love for music and choral singing with the community through two formal concerts a year and additional performances at private and public events.  Style.display='';$(this).getParent().Style.display='none';">less

group: Octarium

The vocal octet Octarium, based in Kansas City, has gained a national reputation for performances suffused with what composer Morton Lauridsen called, “Stunning artiStry combined with an absolutely beautiful blending of voices.” Composer Stephen Hatfiel...  Style.display='';$(this).getParent().Style.display='none';">moreStyle="display:none;"> The vocal octet Octarium, based in Kansas City, has gained a national reputation for performances suffused with what composer Morton Lauridsen called, “Stunning artiStry combined with an absolutely beautiful blending of voices.” Composer Stephen Hatfield raves, “Octarium’s ability to change the nuance of their tone and timbre without disrupting the flow of the music enables them to pack their performances with riches without ever over-reaching for their effects.” At each presentation, Octarium offers the polished choral sonority and embodiment of the philosophy, “Eight Singers, One Voice” for which the ensemble has become well-known and respected. The Riverfront Times writes that the “eight members of Octarium go beyond raising their voices together in song; their voices warp and weave together, coalescing as a single inStrument of tremendous power and depth. Octarium wields this might gracefully, never overpowering, opting inStead to revel in the pliancy of the human voice.” In addition to a Kansas City...    Style.display='';$(this).getParent().Style.display='none';">less