Agrupación formada a fines de 2010 por la inquietud de jóvenes estudiantes de distintas universidades de Santiago por formar un grupo coral experimental, presentándose por primera vez en el mes de diciembre de ese año en el Centre Catalá. En 2011 reanu... more
Coral Stma Trinidad de Valencia was founded in 1977 by its present conductor, Carmina Moreno Llabata. It is formed by children and young people from 6 to 25 years old, who are distributed in Three groups. Their activities are set out for the developmen... more
The first part of my setting of Psalm 42 for choir, soloists, organ and string orchestra (Ps 42, 2-5). It was recently performed in Lucerne, Switzerland.
We are proud of our reputation for our varied repertoire and our affinity with contemporary Welsh music. Since its formation in 1964, the choir appears annually at the Welsh Proms and has performed with many of the world’s leading conductors, orchestras a... more
LSK is one of two boys' choirs in central Kentucky and the only one following the German/Austrian model! For ages 8 - 18+, the choir generally performs several concerts per year, not including religious servies or regular tours. We sing traditional class... more
Народный коллектив России Академический Хор Нижегородского государственного университета (ННГУ). Конкурсное выступление на Всемирной Хоровой Олимпиаде 2008 в г. Грац, Австрия. А. Львов "Вечери твоея тайныя". Nizhny Novgorod State University Academic Choi... more
La Sestina is a French choir of about 20 amateur singers based in Nice on the French Riviera. It was first created by a few friends in 1991, then enlarged over the years. It has been conducted by Stephan Nicolay since 2004. The choir aims to share qualit... more
…B-WARE |dem Chor - are approximately 20 singers with different experiences in singing and almost four years of development. Joy and enthusiasm for common choir practice led in April 2011 to an establishment of the charitable association B-Ware e.V.. Yo... more