The Embassy of the Philippines and Universiti Malaya present "A CELEBRATIon of PEACE" The University of the Philippines Concert Chorus Universiti Malaya Experimental Theatre October 24, 2012 Conductor: Prof. Janet Sabas-Aracama Pianist Jesper... onclick="$(this).getParent().getNext().style.display='';$(this).getParent().style.display='none';">moreone;">The Embassy of the Philippines and Universiti Malaya present "A CELEBRATIon of PEACE" The University of the Philippines Concert Chorus Universiti Malaya Experimental Theatre October 24, 2012 Conductor: Prof. Janet Sabas-Aracama Pianist Jesper Colleen Mercado
3. AlpenChorFestival Oberwallis 2012, Galakonzert Kollegiumskirche Brig. The second movement from "Les Quatrains Valaisans" performed by the Deutscher JugendKammerchor. It won 2nd prize at the festivals composition competition.
Mañana, 11-03-2013, se cumplirán dos años de la tragedia de Fukushima, Japón. Casualidades trágicas que tiene el destino, justo por esas mismas fechas hacíamos nuestro primer acercamiento a esta obra y su autor, el japonés Kentaro Sato; que desde su Hama... onclick="$(this).getParent().getNext().style.display='';$(this).getParent().style.display='none';">moreone;">Mañana, 11-03-2013, se cumplirán dos años de la tragedia de Fukushima, Japón. Casualidades trágicas que tiene el destino, justo por esas mismas fechas hacíamos nuestro primer acercamiento a esta obra y su autor, el japonés Kentaro Sato; que desde su Hamahatsu natal, la tierra de mis padres, la llamaba, comenzó a narrar su día a día tras la tragedia con unas comunicaciones cargadas de pena y resignación pero nunca exentas de esperanza. Y en eso se convirtió esta obra para nosotros, en un canto a la esperanza añadiendo, a su belleza intrísiseca, un plus emocional y epidérmico que surge inevitablemente en cada presentación. Ha sido tremendamente evocador y motivante que el propio Maestro Kentaro Sato, reprodujera nuestra interpretación en todos sus sitios web y la calificarara de "Splended". Las piruetas trágicas del destino de las que hablamos al principio, han querido que también mañana se conmemore el 9º Aniversario del atentado en el metro de Madrid. Para que todos superemos los "Fukushimas" que día... onclick="$(this).getParent().getPrevious().style.display='';$(this).getParent().style.display='none';">less
Cadence performs Hit That Jive Jack at Westben Arts Festival Theatre, August 2012. Visit Cadence online at for upcoming tour dates. Tenor - Ross Lynde Tenor - Lucas Marchand Bari/Bass - Carl Berger Bass/Perc - Kurt Sampson
A part of the choir's winning performance at 55th Croatian Youth Music Festival held in May 2012 in Varaždin.
I wrote this Christmas carol back in December last year. It came Highly Commended in Westminster School's Carol Competition in 2012, and was the first Highly Commended entry in The Times Carol Competition in 2013. Apologies for some sound distortion - I'v... onclick="$(this).getParent().getNext().style.display='';$(this).getParent().style.display='none';">moreone;">I wrote this Christmas carol back in December last year. It came Highly Commended in Westminster School's Carol Competition in 2012, and was the first Highly Commended entry in The Times Carol Competition in 2013. Apologies for some sound distortion - I've tried my best to edit most of it out. The performers are credited at the end of the video. Hope you enjoy, and Merry Christmas!
Il primo canto del primo concerto del Coro di Anzano Eseguito nella Chiesa di Meschio (Vittorio Veneto) il 19.5.2012 dal Coro parrocchiale di Anzano (Cappella Maggiore, Treviso)
Kurt Weill (1900-1950) Recordare, op. 11 (1923) Enregistrement: juin 2012 Chantres Musiciens, Filles de l'Île, direction: Gilbert Patenaude
This video shows the Grand Prix performed by VIVA, Sandnes Cultural School Choir, at the 4th Grieg International Choir Festival competition. The youth choir impressed the judges and audience with the stunning combination of Norwegian Folk Songs and South ... onclick="$(this).getParent().getNext().style.display='';$(this).getParent().style.display='none';">moreone;">This video shows the Grand Prix performed by VIVA, Sandnes Cultural School Choir, at the 4th Grieg International Choir Festival competition. The youth choir impressed the judges and audience with the stunning combination of Norwegian Folk Songs and South African celebration. Enjoy!
Un classico natalizio che ci ha accompagnato nel Natale 2012. Recuperato grazie agli amici del Corpo Bandistico di Cappella Maggiore. Registrazione in occasione del concerto di Natale nella Chiesa di Santa Maria Maddalena a Cappella Maggiore.