Mistango Choir Festival


2,189 results found
WORLD CHOIR GAMES 2016 — MEPhI Male Choir (C14 Male Choirs)
video: WORLD CHOIR GAMES 2016 — MEPhI Male Choir (C14 Male Choirs)

The Male Choir of the National Research Nuclear University MEPhI (Moscow Engineering Physics Institute) at 9th World Choir Games in Sochi (Russia) Category: C14 Male Choirs Result: 82.75, GOLD, QII

Academic choir Ivan Goran Kovacic
group: Academic choir Ivan Goran Kovacic

Academic choir ''Ivan Goran Kovačić'' was founded in 1948. The choir was directed by highly regarded Croatian musicians Mladen Jagušt, Duško Prašelj, Lovro Županović, Adalbert Marković, Dinko Fio, Vladimir Kranjčević, and Saša Britvić. Since the beginning...  more

blog: Choosing Choral repertoire

Choosing exactly the right repertoire for an ensemble is one of the most essential responsibilities of a conductor.  We want music that stimulates growth within the ensemble, and also enriches the musical palette of the singers and of the audience me...

Sergey Taneev "Adeli"
video: Sergey Taneev "Adeli"

Choral competition in Kork (Ireland), May 2013

Danceable - M.i.C(agbadza medley)Marvelous Inspirational Choir - songs of JVA and Tomtom
video: Danceable - M.i.C(agbadza medley)Marvelous Inspirational Choir - songs of JVA and Tomtom

#M.i.C #agbadzaMedley #Harmonious #GhChoralMusic #ChoralExtra

group: Philomela

We want to touch and surprise. We want to surpass the boundaries of ourselves and Choral music. Philomela is a wonderful experience that will linger in your mind even after the music has died down. Philomela has become one of the most highly rega...  more

video: Brier

An award-winning Choral work by Canadian composer Jeff Smallman. Available through Kelman Hall publishing.

NNSU Academic Choir - Pushkin's Garland: IX. Raise Thee, Timid One (Georgy Sviridov)
video: NNSU Academic Choir - Pushkin's Garland: IX. Raise Thee, Timid One (Georgy Sviridov)

Академический хор Нижегородского Государственного Университета им. Н. И. Лобачевского. Выступление на фестивале "Молодые голоса-2012" в Нижнем Новгороде. Георгий Свиридов - Пушкинский венок: IX. Восстань, боязливый

group: Concanenda

Concanenda is focused on creating accessibility to Choral music for the 21st century listener through digital marketing, social media and cross-genre collaboration projects.